How to stay Motivated to play Genshin Impact…

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Everyone is quitting Genshin Impact because they’re burned out and there is no content. Enviosity shares what motivates him after playing Genshin for over a year.

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00:00 | Razer Gold
02:07 | Intro
03:23 | Set Goals
05:57 | Limit Yourself
09:30 | Challenge Yourself
11:28 | Company
13:24 | Reflect
14:51 | Outro

#GenshinImpact #miHoYo #Inazuma


24 thoughts on “How to stay Motivated to play Genshin Impact…”

  1. My motivation

    1. Skip all the weekly boss fight (and reputation quests) until Friday
    2. Skip 2 days, then do the events
    3. Do crystal and artifacts farming every day and spend at least 20 resin on artifacts every day
    4. Leveling up characters to at least clear floor 12-1
    5. Most important one, play coop and have fun if you have extra time!

    (Also, don't forget the weekly parametric transformer!)

  2. limit artifacts? bruh you wut?
    i am like the total opposite of you i just grind artifacts all day every day and level up weapons/talents only when i need them
    if you get demotivated by artifact RNG thats on you
    i know the RNG is bad but you can't do anything about
    the sooner you accept this fact the easier it is to not care about trash artifacts

  3. Well i m someone which is Ar58 and i m still loving this game. Yeah i agree with lack of contents but for me i started playing this game because i love genshin story and i wanna see this game unitll it's end. Yeah i also don't play so much as i did months ago but i always play with random people. I always join some random peoples World or from official discord so that i can help someone who need help and also i can play the game for sometimes and keep enjoying. Your experience and thought might be different but for me that's the way i play and still i m enjoying the game. No matter what will happen and no matter who will leave or stay in genshin I'll complete this game. Idk how much time it will take but i m here to willing invest my time and that's my motivation and my end goal

  4. Thanks a lot for your advicedc. I have a lot of problem to keep doing longterm stuff in all parts of my life, the way I play video games reflect it pretty perfect. I gonna try your advicec in reallife and look how far I can get.

  5. I personally haven't felt burnt out. While every patch update has the same formula of two banners, 3 to 4 events, etc. I actually still have a lot of content left untouched. I still haven't played any of the Hang Outs, I still have 8 Character Story Quests unplayed, I haven't explored Tsurumi island yet. The main reasons I haven't done these are:

    -College. I'm on my 4th year and there's a lot of final projects to work on, and hopefully I can graduate next year.
    -Because of the aforementioned reason, I just haven't felt in the mood to do any of these time consuming activities in Genshin. I'm up to date with the main story cuz I had time earlier this year, but now I'm a bit tight, so I'll save that content after the semester is over.
    -Content. I sometimes stream on Twitch and I want to have some content available to share with viewers when there really is "no content" left to play.

    I also don't concern myself with Artifact farming since that in of itself is very time consuming, RNG to get the "perfect" Artifacts AND for the right buffs to roll onto the substats you want. In my mind, that's a lot of burn out whenever you don't get what you want, and I've seen friends who have told me they felt that way when they spend weeks farming and still haven't gotten what they want. I don't want to experience that yet, since we still have a lot more regions to explore in the future. Instead, I focus on long term guaranteed investments such as leveling up character levels and their Talents, as well as leveling up Weapons. Genshin isn't a hard game. The only place (as far as I've seen) where you need perfect artifacts is Spiral Abyss, which I don't concern myself with.

    Lastly, what motivates me to keep playing are the Waifus. I'm a low spender (only buying Welkin and Battle Pass ONLY IF I REACH LEVEL 50, otherwise I don't buy it), and there are a lot of Waifus that I wish to have and build later on. I got into Genshin because of the Japanese voices, so I wish to have the characters to listen to these actors/actresses. That's what drives me to log in every day to do my daily comissions and do the events to save up on Primogems and wish whenever a character I really want comes up.

  6. Yes as of company part I started the game 2 weeks ago because I realized my best friend(also best man) plays in the same server as my wife and they both didn't know so now we all play together and chat. Makes the game a lot more enjoyable but I think if I was trying it alone I would quit the first day due to the way too much dialogue that I don't care about in a game since games are to play and if I wanted a story I would simply read a book.

  7. Honestly, I never really liked Genshin Impact before playing it or just when I started playing. I have this thing where if people keep talking about one thing that’s really popular, I won’t like it and will think that it’s something not that good, but I actually kinda wanted to try playing Genshin. I saw a few videos of what the game was about and what the storyline was before playing, and, to be honest, I was really interested. I liked the quality, I liked the graphics, so I decided to start playing to see where it would go, and being honest, I don’t regret downloading Genshin Impact. I play it everyday now, always up to farm crystals and iron, always doing the Ley Line Deposit challenges, playing some Spiral Abyss floors, always excited to level up characters, and so much more! I recently unlocked Inazuma and am really excited to explore it and learn more about it. This video helped me a lot, thank you, Enviosity.

  8. How to stay motivated to play Genshin? You take a break and play other games until there is a new map release in Genshin.

    History will repeat itself just like in version 1.x series. Don't play into mihoyo's tactics, play the game you want it to be.
    If you feel burnt out, stop and do something else and come back later when there are new content or interesting event.

    Or just watch envi's stream.


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