In this video we are going to tell you the top three places for wishing for a 5 star character in genshin impact with an extra tip for increasing chance of getting 5star.
i.e i am free to play player and i am also going to show you my pull there and how i got 5star character.
DISCLAIMER:- ” it is not sure you get 5star character same as i got. but i like those places for wishing so i think that they increase my luck ”
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Well guys please tell me are you guys interested in genshin impact LIVE we can do many things like helping low level players ,play together to help each other and maybe mine crystals too and soon if hide and seek event come tell me any suggestion or any other game you want to play with me 🙂 🙂
I hope to get klee
1:40 "i am doing little fast forward here to save you time"
me:its time for me to turn on times 2.0 speed,the setting 30% of people use
Venti come home
If you are wishing for a Liyue character just go to Liyue
If you are wishing for a Monstadt character just go to Monstadt
waitttt. don’t u already have diluc? 5:56 EXPOSED
I got my my 1st 5 star just in the middle of the field
my only summoning ritual is to memorize every part of the character demo and repeat it while I pull , I got Eula by doing the tango on one pull
Person 1: *pulling for venti, have 3 5 star characters
Person 2: *never have a 5 star character
Person 1: *got qiqi
Complains about getting qiqi
Person 2: WHAT THE…. Give it to me then 😤
I'm broke now
I just spent 6000 primogems with no 5 star. I’m gonna crie
How rude of you to stand on the broke morax
You don't
I get in 10wish 3 4stars characters and 2 4stars wepoms 😛 (btw Jean main)
i got mona in eula ‘s banner.. a little disappointed, but at least now i have a guarantee!
Can i have few welkins so i can wish for eula🥺🥺. Subscribed.
Can I eat😭😭
I’m going to tell u the tip that worked twice for me( it’s kinda a strange tip). go to the statue of seven in mondstad and climb just under it’s torso ( u understood I think). you won’t believe me BUT I GOT MONA from the 75 pull on eula’s banner! what do u think? the next day I did it again AND I GOT EULA FROM THE FIRST SINGLE ROLL…
4:33 to 4:34 the cut lol
im Saving up primogems to wish for the next banner! And now, I found out how to get to the floaty pillar on top of dragonspine! Thanks!!
I always thought that i was extremely unlucky , until i learned that everyone got eula on their 40th pull and i got her on my thirdT-T I'm just so grateful
y'all are suffering getting a 5 star character
Imma go buy an account , wait-
Realize every account with 5 star character are expensive except Qiqi
imma just get her sobs
JUST WAIT TILL I GOT 5 STAR ARTIFACTT…. totally do not took half a year.
On the floating geo archon statue, I somehow climed up there and wished for zhongli and on my 3rd one pull I got him-
I got skyward harp in angel’s share (diluc bar) on standar banner, in pity 30
Step one ; be on 89 pity !
I’ve wasted all my currency trying to get qiqi then I saw this video
im at ar37 and a new player genshin 1 month ago and still doesn't have 5* chara😿👌🏻
God… How's the feeling getting 5*? No, just the feeling seeing that rainbow hue and gold shooting star i wanna know too :')
Damn thanks bro I- I’m still needing primogems AHHHHHHHHHH.. but dang you deserve a million subscribers. Actually, more! Your so nice!!!
I might try all this location who knows it might change my luck
he really needed to go through everything just to get on the pillar
C2 diluc already just give me qiqi😞😞😞😭😭
Well I did get childe by pulling in the venti statue so I guess I had to try in a other spot for xiao xD