How to CHEAT the Irminsul [Genshin Impact v4.7 Lore And Theory]

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #scaramouche
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This vid is inspired by the fact scaramouche is not a sphere

The Fall of the Balladeer:

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13 thoughts on “How to CHEAT the Irminsul [Genshin Impact v4.7 Lore And Theory]”

  1. I wonder if Arlecchino can't be affected by irminsul, since she's probably a reincarnation of someone from the CM dynasty. I think it's possible if she was 'made' instead of being born but idkkkk

  2. I haven’t finished the video yet, but I wanted to point out the Fatui wheel, which contains the constellations of every harbinger. Maybe they could use said wheel to track down the constellation’s owner

  3. Imagine if the Abyss tried to tempt Wanderer into joining them with the promise of weaving an entirely new leyline that actually does erase his past trauma…

  4. I think the internal dialogue with traveler in Bedtime Story where the Traveler says that editing memories (well- just adding them in Caribert's case) just can't work because there's always a "tell" and that there's always an inconsistency between the fake memories and the physical world, is a way of telling the player that the theory that Irminsul changes memories is wrong to begin with. There's a similar episode in Sabzeruz where the dialogue between Traveler and Nahida where the Traveler has to first figure out what's going on, has Traveler make two bad guesses that are knocked down. One of these bad guesses is that memories were edited, and it's knocked down by a similar argument to that in Bedtime story. Namely, that you can't edit memories without leaving a "tell" or contradiction with the physical world.

    With Irminsul we're not told of any tell or contradiction with the physical world and this is a case that Traveler has in mind when considering the Bedtime story situation, and making the comment about all memory manipulation necessarily having a tell. This is a pretty bizarre thing to say unless either (1) Irminsul doesn't manipulate memories or (2) Traveler is aware of physical proof of contradictions to the new Irminsul narrative and the player never got told about them.

    There's no sense that changing only memories can hack it any more as an explanation of what's going on.

  5. 10:00 His situation resembles childes maybe more closely than you might assume here, both were betrayed by the fatui, and the fatui still trusts both.
    (child was pissed at Signora and overtly follows Traritsa instead of the organization. I suspect Scara knowing the truth (falling stars) leads them to trust his motives will align with theirs long term regardless of explicit ties to their orginization. Further, tartaglia might know same truth from his time with skirk, and may be more aware of greater events than we credit. He just works in simple terms, within a complex world. just my understanding

    3:44 literally khanria's answer right?
    they encoded their soldiers speach in the ruin guards we find around yea? I assumed that was less about sending data and more about the encryption. (less language, more security, i.e. they werent using code just because there tools made them like the first telegraphs irl)

  6. Fairly sure offworlders aren't bound by irminsul will retain memories such as Ajax's master. Paimon forgot but Traveler remembers initially.

    Perhaps scaromouche was not the only harbinger who removed themselves from irminsul given another seat is also vacant.

  7. Honestly…I want him to be remembered by at least someone from the Fatui prominent in his life before the deletion, namely, Dottore. The idea that someone from the Fatui knows of him still would serve for such an interesting plot and may force the Wanderer to look back once more, to doubt himself once again, and to have to face the consequences of a past he chose not to regret, despite what he feels inside. Im wondering how Hoyo would portray such, especially since an open "ending" was left to his story, an ending that lead us to wonder where the winds would lead him, but what if those winds traveled to the very abyss of torment that had been supposedly "erased"? Now, I personally think he did not have a redemption arc, because for someone so wretched and already ruined, the hollow of sin and pain will always remain, because nothing can erase the whispers of the heart, and nothing can hope to redeem him, the only thing he can do is accept and strive forward. So if Hoyo decided to make an entire arc that dragged him back into the past, defying the expectations of a seemingly new beginning, then I would either start crying or squeal with joy.

    Idk what i just typed but i think what i was trying to say was: What if Hoyo gave him a (for lack of a better word, like I said, I do not believe he was ever redeemed) reverse-redemption? What if the true ending of his story, one that was meant to be, was one of a dismal void, like how he had once imagined himself, and likely still does? I would hate to see him suffer more, yet i think it would fit the overall theme of his character and maybe be good writing on Hoyo's part(dont quote me on that idk anything about writing, just spewing random ideas). But either way, I do still love the quote-on-quote "ending" of his story, an ending that marked a new beginning, not neccesarily one of hope, but rather, quite literally a new start, a blank state that appears empty and fresh, but has certainely left its mark on the world, one that hides so many erasures of truths and immeasurable despair that will only ever be remembered by the one who imprinted them there, stains meant not to be forgotten, but instead carried along to a future most unknown. I do enjoy that concept quite a lot, but I still would live to see a continuation to his story, one that took a bleaker turn to give us more insight on who he truly is deep down. I want to see how Hoyo better conveys to us that he is unforgivable, that no matter where he turns, which path he walks in his pathless life, he will only ever be met by a dead end, a life he is all too familiar with. The sentiment is a very intriguing one imo, and I really just want his story to be developed more on still, on a note that feels befitting even if dismaying(ofc, I do love the current conclusion to his story, Im just kinda thinking about if this was irl for some reason lol. Or maybe i just love angst and wanna see more of him, idk atp)


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