A short guide on how to build DPS Wanderer
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That hopefully is really deep
me: going into the banner hoping to win the 50/50
wins 50/50, wins another 50/50 at 12 pity for c1
gets the 25(?)% chance for weapon when i get the 5* at 7pulls
New artifacts is good. But seems like a shiminawa in multiverse. Correct me if im wrong. Wanderer is a monster in shiminawa
Looks a lot like ui goku df
Me considering new account…
im happy i get it in first 10 draw with faruzan
Which better, dodoco tales or widsith?? Both lvl 90 and r5
I win 50/50 and got him🗿
No shimenawa?
Like these types of tutorials very much, simple, clear and straight to the point
Step 1: Pull wanderer.
Why shimenawa not there? 4 piece set is good.
Can someone gift me some cristals I’m 85 pity and need scara (uid: 738134936)
Why ????…. Just because
Wow nice Wandererbuild, very good explanation
I think i Will going on 2-viri + 2-dpc
Omg Ty I didn’t know how to build him so o was stuck on a quest
If you using new set, Anemo goblet makes no sense. Cringe, meh.
Theres 2 option to play wanderer
First option: Use 4 piece desert pavilion for hyper carry using his normal attack
Second option: use 4 piece Viridescent for charged attack and swirl reaction using off field dps like:xinqiu, beidou, etc
He does sad damage though
4 pc Shimenava where?
I unfortunately got Itto's weapon (even though I don't have him yet) instead of Wanderer's weapon so I just temporarily gave him Eye of perception 👁️👄👁️
Will he still do good dmg if I have him with eye of perception?
OK I’ve only been seeing build for him which I already have an really good build for him which I don’t need any more build tips but I need is a good powerful team with him being the main DPS does anyone have any requests?
that last line.. he’s the only reason I was able to clear floor 10 istg. that mirror mage and electro mages can’t trap hover man
I want this character but I got yanfei 😩
Just got him only in 10 pulls plus faruzan, and thanks for the advice
Replace flower of life from pavilion to tenacity of the mililith. Better yet, swap layla and scara flower of life. Tenacity have high attack boost while pavilion have chunky hp which will help your layla shield to be thicker while dealing immense damage as scara 😁😁
Wanderer’s Troupe forever