How To Build and Play Ganyu (Ultimate Character Guide) | Genshin Impact

Ganyu is a cryo bow user, who deals serious main DPS damage and can fill the support role equally as well. In this guide, I will cover most of everything you need to understand about Ganyu’s kit, with video testing included. I will cover her talents, passives, best artifacts, weapons, and team comps and pairings. Ganyu is my favorite character to date, who is actually really easy to build and deal big damage.

Intro 0:00
Talents 1:19
Passives 3:58
Weapons 4:47
Prototype Crescent Testing 5:50
Main DPS Builds 8:19
Support Builds11:00
Reactions 13:00
Teams Comps (DPS and Support) 13:22

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46 thoughts on “How To Build and Play Ganyu (Ultimate Character Guide) | Genshin Impact”

  1. What team are you guys running with Ganyu?

    Also, I forgot to include my testing but did confirm that the 35% increase in charged shot damage applies to the initial hit AND bloom. That is why this is this set is so good on main DPS Ganyu.

  2. I only see her potential going up over time honestly; even in the immediate future with hu tao coming out, rosaria and ayaka slated for release and other hydro characters rumored (hopefully they can apply water repeatedly in an AOE), she's just going to get better and more valuable. I wasn't going to pull on her but I'm getting more and more convinced I should invest.

  3. This was a very helpful video. I wasn’t exactly sure what artifacts I wanted to farm for a dps Ganyu but now I’m sure I’ll go for Blizzard Strayer with a focus on crit since I don’t want to switch out artifact sets. Luckily I rolled an Amos Bow that I haven’t used on anyone yet

  4. If you run diluc Main DPS, ganyu as cryo melt support isn't great. Cryo application are to slow. But I do like dilucs burst into ganyu charged shots, because the Mobs get pushed far away from dilucs burst

    So you can do a big reverse melt charge shot from a safe distance.

    If you run diluc Main, try to grab Xinqui. Still way better support than ganyu for diluc

  5. im still stuck on bad roll with artifacts, so i did scramble around with random artifacts that i have just to reach 200% CDmg and lmao, she did 12-17k bloom dmg and over 25k when i try to pair her with bennet and sucrose..

  6. I have tested rust and stringless on my Ganyu for 2 days now with different arti-sets and i dont get why the hell ytubers keep sugestion to use Stringles over Rust… I know, i get it… -10% charge shot, but if someone`s there in my position without a proto to craft the forge bow, and with only Rust and Stringless, Rust wins by FAR in any situation, being dps, being support, even firing with the charge shot Rust does more damage. Overall Rust does more dmg than stringless doing charge shot, with the E, with the Q and even with elemental reactions… Rust its better.

  7. As a f2p player with a guaranteed pity pull, Ganyu or Xiao? Was originally going to skip Ganyu but she is way stronger than everyone anticipated before she dropped and Xiao appears to have been “balanced” (read: nerfed) with regard to his plunging attacks. Now I have no idea who to pull for. What is your recommendation?

  8. I'm so relieved because almost my set for ganyu is in this video I use Favonious warbow, the blizzard artifact, I use Razor as my dps and sub dps for ganyu and I use Barbara to freeze, shatter using Razor and switching between Xiangling and Sucrose (Barbara is my only hydro character so no choice)

  9. Fun story; when Albedo banner was out, I rolled and got a 5 Star! But it wasn't Albedo. It was Diluc. He instantly replaced my main dps at the time (Beidou) and then it hit me: Since I missed Albedo and got Diluc…i'm guranteed the banner 5-star the next time I get one! I waited for Ganyu and got her. Now my team consists of Diluc, Mona, Ganyu and I bounce between Bennett and Sucrose for massive AoE dmg and debuffs. Absolutely love this girl!

  10. My build is 4 piece wanderer’s troupe with gladiator sands. All 5 are perfect substats rolls
    But my goblet does not have a cryo damage bonus so I use ATK for 27.2% crit dmg & 3.9 crit rate my normal attack is talent level 9 which causes 13K Aimed Shot 21K for Bloom Shot

    Flower : Crit Rate & DMG (10%) each

    Plume : Crit rate & DMG (19.4% / 3.5%)

    Sands : ATK% main stat / Crit DMG (17.9%)

    Goblet : ATK% main stat / Crit rate & DMG (3.9% / 27.2%)

    Circlet ; Crit DMG main stat / Crit rate (9.3%)

  11. Finally got Ganyu! 💙 And your guide is seriously the best I've seen, very concise especially as a visual aid. Thanks for this! Now I can finally build up to a great Keqing+Ganyu team up 🔥 Hoping to see more guides on different characters, your guides are seriously well-produced. I already built my Beidou from your vid, and to great effect!


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