How New Characters Are Treated in Genshin Impact

#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #chiori


45 thoughts on “How New Characters Are Treated in Genshin Impact”

  1. I think the issue with Chiori is that unlike Alhaitham/Yae/Yelan, the character she's the most similar to is BAD (Albedo) and barely provides a small QoL upgrade over him. She was done so horrifically dirty and I'm very saddened by it

    Like look. I love Albedo. He's my first triple crown. And I also really liked Chiori, but the last thing anyone ever asked for is "a second albedo with better constellations" 😭 Albedo is the worst character to pick and make a duplicate of, I don't understand why Hoyo decided to do it

  2. chiori's only downside is that she's getting her banner at a bad time. 2 of the best characters are getting rerun right after her and Arlecchino is coming next patch so unless you're a whale or you've got Hella primos saved it makes no sense for new players to go for her

  3. Tbh Chiori is not getting real "hate" this is a dehya level situation
    Her kit lacks something and that's her c1
    And don't make talk about how we going 4 years of game and her geo imbuition can be overwritten be bennet's c6

    Almost seems like they left her to some intern to be done

  4. Alhaythem is dendro keqing is electro so they have theire own fields fichil and yae are better than each other depending on the team xinquo and yelan can be used together ayato and childe are better than one another depending on the team chiori is straight up a better albado. Its insufitient to use them together, there is never a senario where albado is better and aside from a meaningless em buff they have nothing that sets them apart so what youre saying is invalid this is definetly the first clear sighn of powercreep and ppl are acting this way cuz albado is a limited unit.

  5. The community doesn't like chiori because she's an albedo and keqing copy, I don't like chiori because she's a worse geo support for the most recent and most popular geo dps

  6. I just think she's really fun. Most characters at this point share some aspects of their gameplay style with other characters. With Chiori, other than just ~having~ on-field/off field boost constructs (which can also help with crystallize's emerging relevance), she's the only one who even comes close to keqing's skill type, and hers is more complex.

  7. When i saw that chiori was geo, that did not dissuade me. I want the pretty, sassy lady. I got her on my alt, and she's fun there. So I just have to get a bunch of primos on my main now

  8. Chiori can only really turn into Geo Keqing at C6 where she gets a 4 second skill CD which with a 5 sec Geo infusion, she has 100% Geo infuse uptime on her normals.

    Before that Chiori is more like a Geo Yae Miko with Keqing’s skill.

  9. One day I realized it's just the community. No matter what is coming, some people are going to spread some sort of hating for this. And since that day I pretty much don't listen to all this shit at all and it really makes everything better.

    Oh, and waifu > meta


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