How much damage a maxed Raiden does? – Genshin Impact

In this Genshin Impact video, I show how much damage a maximized Raiden (Baal) does. Twitter: Discord: …


44 thoughts on “How much damage a maxed Raiden does? – Genshin Impact”

  1. you never let me down not so f2p Diluc
    My Raiden After 3-4 months (literally 😅😅😅😅😅😅) of Emblem farming:
    2529 atk
    124 EM
    Crit rate 50%
    Crit dmg 156%
    ER 290% (with her 5 star signature weapon)

  2. I originally wanted to get raiden cus she was an archon but got ayaka and gave up I lost 50/50 on her banner at like 20 pity so that’s sad but used the guaranteed on Childe since I’ve always liked him since I’ve first saw him in the liyue archon quest

  3. Finally decided to try Raiden national in abyss just for fun. Garbage artifacts on Xingqiu, Bennet, and Xiang Ling. Raiden on meme EM build. Did better than my decked out Hu Tao team. Wtf lol.

  4. C0 national raiden max damage with f2p setup is around 140 ~ 160k.

    Mine hit around 140k ish with noblesse blackclift bennet Q lvl9 , the catch raiden E lvl9 Q lvl10 , 1.8k atk (with pyro res) , 285 er/74% electro bonus, 60/170 crit ratio.

  5. I'm about to lvl 10 her E skill too when I realized that it won't increase burst dmg and the dmg increase we too little compare to its cost.. So I decided to save the books and crown instead. Such a waste. Lol

  6. My max damage with C2 Raiden in a full rotation of Kazuha Bennet and Sara on downed mechanical array and food + potion is 484k, but the build is kind of unrealistic since CRate is kinda low at 44%.
    The more realistic build 62% CRate (without catch passive) and 141 % CDamage can also get pretty high, but not to the level of the damage per screenshot build. I sometimes go around one shotting stuff for the hell of it because its so satisfying.


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