Nah fam have you ever played with 300 ping on mobile I do my hu tao burst and after 5 seconds they get instantly killed Now that's some umaenamusindrarudur…. shit
Ofcourse they are level 25 and you are 40 with rosaria and that weapon. You also used food to increase your attack. But she is really fast I got diluc in Kazuha banner 😭😭😭 at least give me rosaria but now I am using diona and replaced diluc with xiangling. And also replaced fishl with Lisa.
Lmao this is why Im planning to max her talents hsshshsh
Hopefully I pull her in Kazuha's banner
I randomly got rosaria from qiqi banner with only a single wish.. yeah she's badass
I need Her!! 2nd cryo.. Support!!
Same spear as my rosaria except her lvl, my rosaria is lvl 50
Rosaria in every domain be like: "I'm fast as fuck boi!"
i have her at c2 but i dont know what to do with here 😭
Nah fam have you ever played with 300 ping on mobile
I do my hu tao burst and after 5 seconds they get instantly killed
Now that's some umaenamusindrarudur…. shit
I wanted her but I got c1 Bennett
WOW!!! LVL40 VS lvl25 wow…..
I dont really like rosaria. Like using her
The most satisfying thing for me is having like 3 elements together. And using sucrose. It is fucking amazing
the audio killed me-
lisa could never
Lv. 40 Rosaria vs Lv. 25 Slimes. Yeah, I should hope so 😂
Ofcourse they are level 25 and you are 40 with rosaria and that weapon.
You also used food to increase your attack.
But she is really fast I got diluc in Kazuha banner 😭😭😭 at least give me rosaria but now I am using diona and replaced diluc with xiangling.
And also replaced fishl with Lisa.
is physical rosaria better than noelle?
got a c3 rosaria from the Kazuha banner, making an effort to use her now
can someone tell what floor of abyss this is?
I started using Rosaria a few weeks or days ago…and after that few days I also found out that she can "Fawking Teleport" with her E
Level 40 Rosaria vs level 25 electro slime. What do you expect?
What is the the thing he is daying can anyone translate
It doesn't, trust me. You just low ar lol
Level 25🤡
I wish I could trade the weapon this guys rosaria is holding with my skyward spine
Which domain is that again??