How Good Is Hydro Traveller? | Genshin Impact 4.0

How Good Is Hydro Traveller? – Genshin Impact 4.0

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Time for new MC element!: 0:00
Which element has been the best currently?: 1:33
Hydro Traveller Skill and Kit: 4:48
Constellations: 9:10
Pros & Cons?: 11:50
Any realistic application in gameplay?: 13:04

*Credited sources:
Fontaine Teaser Music Cover – Genshin Impact | Fenvalur’s Orchestra:
Harris Heller – Heart Piece:

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How Good Is Hydro Traveller? – Genshin Impact 4.0


41 thoughts on “How Good Is Hydro Traveller? | Genshin Impact 4.0”

  1. They could've easily made MC cool by giving him the ability to switch elements mid combat on command akin to say how Dante changes styles in DMC5, it wouldn't break the game honestly with how mediocre some of his abilities are but would certainly make him better.

  2. For all of you out there the correct pronoucation for pneuma is PNEV-muh / pneûma. You say the P. It's a greek word and I have no clue why google and other sources pronouce it wrong.

  3. Traveler is pretty underrated, anemo traveler has a really good potential for swirl and decent damage especially early game and dendro traveler is my go-to for the f2p hyperbloom team i put together in my first few weeks of playing.

    I haven't used the others so i cant speak for them.

  4. Poor aether 😭💙 i was waiting for hydro t but my hopes that he will be better by each element is just got crushed. Still dendro is the best💚 we have only 2 or 3 elements left (pyro, cryo, omni? Maybe) i dont know what was they thinking, i was hoping for a mix of bennett burst without dam buff only with hydro and healing, for the skill i imagined similar to his dendro ability but with hydro🌧

  5. Is mcs ouma or noosa or whatever that new bs to sell characters is going to be tied to their hydro element or is it character based and will apply to their anemo, geo or dendro element as well?

  6. Honestly, the way the Traveler has always been treated by Hoyovers pi***s me off.
    He/she is supposed to be the story's Main Character. Players should want to have him/her in their party while playing. And instead of encouraging the inclusion of the chatracter by making him useful and strong, they make him weak in order to… what exactly? It's not like people would not pull for other characters only because they already own a very versatile and strong one, since most whales actually love to collect new characters.
    I find this choice utterly irksome.

  7. Where is it stated or shown that the bubble is going to phase through enemies, because Ayaka's burst doesnt mention it stopping either? Fishing for hopium here


  8. I`ll be stuck with Geo again, new set gives 70% skill dmg and they give free Bennett, I`ll activate C6 for the Mistsplitter passive
    Both Albedo and Zhongli can also use the new set lol, If only constructs did not break so easily…

  9. Im very sad to see the traveler going back to zero, with the dentro traveler i was expecting something good with the hydro but it seems the traveler will always be soo awful and this makes me sad, i hope this will change in the future.

  10. The answer is very simple. Simply being a hydro unit is enough to break the game. So they didn’t want her to be too good, because that will prevent people from pulling for the five star Hydro units.

  11. From my speculation, she does a lot of damage but is clunky and not very interesting. The animations also suck. She does a lot of damage though if my understanding of the skills are correct and Fontain characters don't just powercreep everything.


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