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Love that ending sentence.
world wise nothing can beat the feeling of stepping into Skyrim for the first time or trying to walk through the whole of skyrim map.
gameplay wise nothing can beat the feeling of playing DL1 for the first time.
and gacha wise nothing can beat the frustration of pulling for chars or weapons in Genshin
I never knew that Genshin used 2 rp’s
Yes! Barbruh fan!
When I saw the title I thought this is going to be one of those pouring water video
Genshin is a pretty game no doubt about it but if this game just made you wow aesthetically that is just a big sign that you need to play more different type of games.
Another thing that makes Genshin's landscape beautiful is the music. The music composition really fits the vibe of each of Genshin's landmarks, and you even get to hear the instruments each region was inspired from. When you're at Wangshu Inn, the music makes you feel safe. When you're underground in the chasm, especially when really deep, the music gives you sense of despair and danger. Speaking of the chasm, the surface music there is beautiful. I remember when "wandering clouds" started and I couldn't help but just gaze out into the chasm and listen to the music.
No game made you say wow before Genshin?
9:00 based
well written video
me being jealous seeing how much cultural influence india has over all asia and we are now sitting and consuming our own cultural influences through video games
I 100% disagree with u one this ~ This art style turns me off when i want to look any new inspiration to create new stuff ( being 2D artist ).. maybe when it was fresh in the market one of its kind it was new and kool but now its Allergic. when i go to any artstation forums or deviant art its filled with these types.. i want ppl to create any other art form than this.. like Witcher 3 did. witcher 3 face expressions animations and dialogue can't even be created by latest assassin's creed games ~ tht art style of semi-realism is where Digital art comes together as synergy between realism and liberties with vfx like Geralt's mutated skin and the like.
Look, genshin looks nice but I genuinely don't want to spend hours on a gacha game
15:10 the only qualm I have in this game’s art. We have late medieval Europe displayed flawlessly in it’s architecture, with a castellan’s wet dream as it’s location, and amazing attention to detail, but there’s not a sallet helm in sight.
Tey-Vat not Tev-Yat
genshin impact is the only game that convinced me was worth my time. i was truly blown away by all the aspects of the game. i believe that everyone behind it is truly talented and passionate at what they do. hoyoverse keeps on giving us new updates to look forward to and it just gets better every time.
Hydro: soft quite and empathetic. And then we got fucking Childe.
Your pronunciation of Teyvat is weird.
I bet they made with their asses because this game is so boring
"water characters are made to look soft and sweet, with wide eyes and gentle idle animations" …wtf are Childe and Yelan doing then????
I’m surprised you didn’t bring up their motion captured animation, from each characters’ idle animations to their pre-rendered cinematics all look amazing
Off the music as well it ties everything together and genshin music is the best I’ve listened to in a game
From hearing you talk about the character's personalities and how the elements influence them and their attacks, and the way you described zhongli, I notice that you don't actually know much about the game, yet you managed to speak true facts about the design ideas. It shows that the concepts are really solid and well thought
It's such a breath of fresh air to see there are actually people that know and understand how much effort and work gets put into this type of thing. Such a shame that the majority of the loud side of the playerbase just ignores all of this to justify their anger with the game and claim the devs are "lazy" just because they aren't making the game the exact way they personally want it to be made, when it's very obvious the developers are anything but lazy when it comes to the effort they put into artistically designing their game.
absolutely love the video! this is helped me a lot
Stuff like this can make people forget or forgive developers like Mihoyo for putting a predatory micro transactions that alot of people hate in many games but in this game people jusy generally accepts it secretly driving you slowly dry of empty pockets without you hating the game.
It's all beautiful until you realize you have a potato laptop and can only play on the lowest setting :'(
This was amazing, thank you so much!!
genshin is the shit
Can you analyze Ghost of Tsushima too?
I am waiting that wow feeling again when sumeru released
Horizon will always be at the top of the games that make me go wow
Man, given all these details, I feel sad looking at the Sumeru leaks
I was surprised this was done in Unity.
I spend hours in this game taking photos and screenshots, not even going to one mission 😂
I cant comprehend the fact that all these characters look so different and aren't the same hairstyle over and over
good at graphic but bad at story
a very strange pronunciation of "张家界 zhang jia jie" followed by "i'm so sorry for butchering these chinese words" cracked me up lmao