How Genshin Impact Managed To SAVE Yoimiya From MEDIOCRACY…

Yoimiya is now better than EVER and you should be considering her as a carry option in your teams. Does this mean she is utterly broken? No… But better than before and that’s more than what some people can ask for.



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25 thoughts on “How Genshin Impact Managed To SAVE Yoimiya From MEDIOCRACY…”

  1. Back when I tried yomiya in her story quest I just fell in love with her and her playstyle and she’s the reason why I won’t pull for hu Tao and ganyu. My only regret is not pulling yelan for her, I didn’t skip yelan bc I thought less of her (I really liked yelan and her playstyle) but I only had enough to pull C1 Xiao and his weapon (I’m a Xiao main) but I did happen to get her weapon (yelan’s weapon) at r2 and was already planning on getting her when her rerun comes bck. Then I accidentally got itto and C1 and I got Kazuha and heizou. Now that yomiya has been confirmed to be rerun I’ll be pulling for her and her signature weapon. Yomiya I’m coming for you ♥️

  2. Can't wait for her banner to come! One of the few female characters I'm aiming for as a husbando collector. Very easy to play when I tried her in events, great design and personality. I just hope I can win the 50/50 to save more wishes for Sumeru, but even if I don't I will have to go all in.

  3. Just play Genshin the way you want. At the end the usage of the character changes over patches and the dificulty is the same, so pick what you want, go for 1 or 2 meta units to not suffer.

  4. I mean Itto literally only works in a specific team so yoimiya needing a specific team (who by the way she’s still plenty flexible) that’s not a big deal.

  5. For consideration of whether to pull for Yoimiya:

    1. What weapons do you have – Rust? Other 4-star options perform far less compared to Rust. R5 Rust > R1 skyward harp for Yoimiya

    2. What teammates do you have – Yelan? Xingqiu? Zhongli (not necessary, but more comfortable) Yunjin? This is more flexible I guess cos Electro characters like Beidou, Fischl, Kuki, Raiden all can work well.

    Yoimiya is my main Pyro DPS on my second account, which I started in 1.6. And I had Hutao on my first account. So, I understood the initial criticism over Yoimiya when compared to Hutao, which I was upset initially, since she was such a nice character, yet wasn't performing as well as Hutao. However, once I built her up, and over the last year, managed to accumulate an r4 Rust, Yoimiya is my favorite character to use, especially in the open world, for ease of use, and how fast she just clears random mobs – but she performs just as well in Spiral Abyss, but she does require good teammates – like Yelan – but pairing with Electro also works well, like Kuki, Beidou, Raiden. Her main drawback is that she's a single target DPS – but against world bosses in spiral abyss, that's what is needed. Against mobs, then teammates play a bigger role, have used Yelan, xingqiu and Beidou or Kuki (EM build), for additional electro-charged reactions.

  6. I would argue that yoimiya actually has a higher damage ceiling than hu tao yoimiya’s damage is based of attack so she benefits more from buffs like bennet than hu tao, plus she her own buffer which is yunjin who specifically buffs her NA. Plus other than elemental res shred she can’t buff her damage that much because she scales of hp and not attack. Not to mention she’s easier to play because you don’t have to attack cancel, consume stamina nor have to chase down enemies.

  7. Yoimiya auto attack are good as if not better of Hu Tao, the problem is that Hu Tao have a good elemental burst an aoe big damage that even heal her, instead Yoimiya elemental burst is pretty meh without the help o character like Yelan or even Raiden

  8. I am pulling for Yoimiya this time. I have Hutao, but I don't like her gameplay. I do like Yelan's gameplay & I have C6 Yunjin, so depending on content, I will either use Yoi, Yelan, Yunjin, & Zhongli / C6 Diona.

  9. Something I notice, ok so everyone didn’t like yoimiya because her AOE but she can proc overload so many times that it almost seems like her dmg can deal dmg in a area but the problem her arrows was hard to hit because overload pushes enemies around too much but now when seeing the bloom pyro reaction deals aoe will be very fun with someone like yelan or hydro proc because put dendro and bloom when attack and then just explode also yoimiya is more of a enabler since she attacks VERY FAST also it’s a lot better due to her being PYRO which has one of the best reactions and also her dmg is very good herself while an enabler
    Edit: Also it’s to the hu Tao mains who are saying she’s basically a better slightly worse hu tao, isn’t that very good? Many people prefer yoimiya play style and let me remind u there are 2 HALFS so if you like hu Tao and wish u could play her on the other half you can play yoimiya due to them being kinda alike in a way kinda

  10. I love Yoimiya's colorful design and personality. I love the character, I'm sadly just not a fan of her kit. It's compounded by the fact she needs specific characters to shine. Same reason I've never pulled for Itto, cuz i know I'll have to build a geo team around him. If you happen to have those characters built, then they'll slot in perfectly. Otherwise most will continue to skip until something changes… 🤷

  11. Why is bennet often used with yoimiya instead of yunjin? Yoimiya E is a multiplicative function. The small issue with yunjin is that its buff is not multiplied by Yoimiya E because the flat damage it adds does not count as attack stats. On top of that, Bennet C6 gives Yoimiya 15% pyro damage like Yunjin's 15% NA damage. This is why in most world record showcases Bennet is used.

    But in practice, Yunjin is much more comfortable than Bennet.

    About Shielder, Thomas is also a great unit for Yoimiya, the way he refreshes his shield synergizes very well with her. Currently, the team I enjoy the most with Yoimiya is:
    Yoimiya – Yelan – thomas – kuki

  12. Yoimiya suffers from being in the same patch as better characters, or really close to them. She is not a bad character, but she released with Ayaka and between Ei and Kazuha. I very much wanted her, but I wanted the Archon more. And a lot of people felt the same, and even more wanted Ayaka. And this time again, she's with freaking Kazuha. But in my case, I have Kazuha so I can finally go for besto girl!


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