

  1. Zhongli's case shows how little the Gnoses matters, if it would risk the lives of Liyue or Tevat he wouldn't have gave it. So he knows 100% what is happening… Nahida probably learned as well since she knows destroying it could summon the Heavenly principles (Unknown god)

    Also Since Yae Miko had it for 500 years (longer than Ei) it shows the Gnose doesn't give any increase power.

  2. Okay I need some help. So I know for sure that nahida gave up the electro gnosis to dottore but I don’t know about the dendro gnosis. She never actually said “yes.” Or “no.” When he asked her for it.

  3. I just had this friend saying that venti is punk ass weak like La signora just kicked him and take his gnosis so easily, Meanwhile me who reads every dialogues and details in world quest and books knowing that venti could fcking kill signora with one gust of wind slap:👁️👄👁️

  4. 1) Venti willingly let Signora take it without any resistance=God of Freedom (Free from Celestia)
    2) Zhongli gave it to Signora because the contract between him & Tsarita has been fulfilled= God of Contract
    3) Ei give it to Miko to pursue Eternity (unchanging & unparalleled) but it also because it has no use to her: God of Eternity
    4) Nahida trade 2 Gnosis (hers & Ei's/Makoto's) with Dottore for knowledge that only known among Fatuis= God of Wisdom & Knowledge

    1) Forcalor will go against Fatui is a trial where Gnosis will be given to them who win the trials= God of Justice
    2) Fatui might possibly will declare a war against Natlan since it was a nation ruled by God of War the Pyro Archon & the Gnosis will be the main prize for the victors= God of War

    If these speculation is correct…then that means Fatui using Archon's ideality itself as the main weapon to get the Gnosis
    Pretty smart actually for mortals to even take advantage of Divine's ideality

  5. im hoping that murata actually fights to keep her gnosis. since shes the god of war im pretty sure. but at the same time she most likely will lose it so maybe shes fighting someone from the top 3 harbingers or pierro, since they have the power to challenge a god

  6. It’s extremely predictable that we always know what’s going to happen I still think Nahida made a really dumb decision like she’s supposed to be the wisest archon yet her ass would give her gnosis to a fatui like I wouldn’t be so blissful just to know the sky is fake. We already know the cryo archon will be “redeemed” since all playable archons can’t have the gnosis for whatever reason and so the cryo archon can do her plan

  7. Nooo venti lost his beace last signora Stole it and riden gave hers yo scaramoushe (her son) and nahida stole the genomis from scarashodhe which was ridends

  8. I feel like the hydro archon will give up her gnosis willingly, maybe for justice/court purposes, maybe to hide smth, but similar to zhongli where they had a "purpose" to give it up

  9. But what will the fatui do with all those gnosis . My opinion is that Pierro ( leader of fatui) is from Kaen’riyah and so as the god destroyed it he want to kill them. But knowing he’s a human he cannot so he take all the gnosis for some power? Ig

  10. Tbh gnosis is the thing that cause danger to people because if the archon dont give it to the fatui, they will try every way to get it even if they have to sacrifice themself and make people in the country start a war against each other. Cryo archon gonna use 7 gnosis to against celestia, hope she win then…

  11. I am quite curious about Ei's gnosis though… It was mentioned that her reason is the pursuit of eternity, but it might also be influenced by her believing she's not as great as Makoto, and thus doesn't see herself as someone who should inherit Makoto's gnosis.

  12. The unknown god is actually use the sibling to fight celestia
    One is move to the archons and using archons trust and power
    The other one is use abyss power
    Once he/she get all element, the archons will side to him/her to fight celestia, but for now they have to keep it as a secret


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