Honkai Star Rail vs Genshin Impact – Endgame & Progress Comparison

Honkai Star Rail vs Genshin Impact – Endgame & Character Progress Comparison from Genshin Impact Developer Mihoyo New Game
#HonkaiStarRail #GenshinImpact #Mihoyo
Gameplay Raw footage edited in a synthetic manner for information purposes
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Weapons & Gear – 0:00
Talents & Constellations – 3:00
Level & Ascension – 4:40
Abyss – 5:36
Bosses & Domains – 7:03
AR / Trailblazer Rank – 11:30
Story & Quests – 12:25

About Meloo: Meloo is a channel that produces Guides, Creative Edits, High Quality Lore Videos, Comparisons & Mods for new video game releases. In my videos I draw parallels, use Juxtapositions and other editing techniques to deliver my Gameplay in a transformative manner from the original narrative rather than full let’s plays. I usually focus on games for a more mature audience. All Gameplay is my own and is recorded and edited by me.


28 thoughts on “Honkai Star Rail vs Genshin Impact – Endgame & Progress Comparison”

  1. Awesome video, thank you for showing!! The design seems extremely similar to Genshi, even down to UI layout. Looking forward to your gameplay video

  2. I don’t like the direction HSR is going into, It’s basically just Genshin with honkai cameos atm

    It is literally just a copy paste of genshin with slightly different ui and a different combat style.. this is not the successor of honkai universe I expected at all

    The turn based combat is slow and out of place and the artifacts system is just … no… I’d prefer doing gacha for stigmatas again

  3. I absolutely HATE the current 50/50 gacha and relic farming system!

    Its literal copy pasta from Genshin, which mean it will have super low rate up on weapon (light cone) and the rest is obtain through farming, with artifact having sub-stats. I really think having players farming over and over for a new artifacts with good sub-stat as endgame content is just not the way to go. It gets frustrating really fast. For comparison, in HI3rd, while you need to gacha for the stigmata along side the weapon, the rate is as high as a 4* and its a 1 time thing, so you get it, and you don't need to think about getting a better one to replace that stigmata anymore (ofc there are affix system, but they are done on the same stigma and they don't make you feel obligated to do it unless you want to min max). I feels like its much healthier for the game that way (and they can instead making the f2p income bigger cause now you need to gacha, or craft at a low rate for gears so we can do more rolls! All good right?)

    Just because Genshin is a success doesn't mean its system is perfect. But after all its only my own take on the system, if you agree with me, can you please put some line about this matter in the survey? I believe this gonna be a big problem for endgame player (and one of the reasons I can't enjoy GI as I do with HI3rd). I love Honkai series and I just can't stand seeing this game going the way it is right now.

  4. The game is looking great, but that really is no surprise
    Can we tell already if the characters' Eidolon levels are as high impact as Constellations are in Genshin? It would be great if they weren't as game breaking or "mandatory" for certain units


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