Honest Thoughts on Kazuha & Alhaitham Rerun Banners 3.7 Genshin Impact

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33 thoughts on “Honest Thoughts on Kazuha & Alhaitham Rerun Banners 3.7 Genshin Impact”

  1. 53 pity, then 10 pulls later, keqing. Dang. 10 pulls again several times, but the history didn't update. So I one-pulled again and again until I got kazuha (it was 76 times T_T. But in the process, I got 1 yaoyao, c3 heizou, and c5 xiangling. I still have 145 pulls, but I'll wait until patch Livestream

  2. It's just a month since I started playing and want kazuha (because it is fun to paly) and today i just got him only on my 12th pull so happy to have him and those 12 pull also got me c2 xinliang and haizou

  3. Stressed because I want Kokomi for a while now but I also really would enjoy c0 Yaoyao and xl cons but I reeeaaaallyy want Rosaria who is rumored to come at the beginning of the next patch 😖 i think because Rosaria is the only character I want at all on that banner I probably shouldn’t pull for her….but anyway. Too good!

  4. Lost to a 50/50 in weapon banner with some skyward shit at around 60ish pity but got an early 30ish pity at my next pull for Alhaitham's sword. Unlucky luck is it.

  5. Just got Kazuha and have a bit of a conundrum here. I still have 60+ wishes. There’s Alhaitham and this weapon banner. I heard Kokomi and Wanderer will be in 3.8 and Zhongli and Yelan in 4.0. Who would you recommend out of these?

  6. I can't choose alhaitham or kazuha 😭 the rest of my team is Beidou (main DPS) and some combination of Noelle, Barbara, Xiangling, and Chongyun. I can level up kazuha easier than alhaitham bc I'm not in sumeru yet, but I have some of the better artifacts/weapons for alhaitham. I dont have anemo or dendro characters besides traveller. Will gladly take advice 🥲

  7. Meanwhile, I have all the 4stars in this banner, and my main DPS is Heizou… 137K per punch with random artifacts and a 4star weapon…
    What is this Heizou slander, honestly😓


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