Great Body Language! Arlecchino Sleep in Peace – Genshin Impact Reaction

Arlecchino Sleep in Peace – Genshin Impact Reaction! Subscribe for more and follow my twitch to discuss live!

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34 thoughts on “Great Body Language! Arlecchino Sleep in Peace – Genshin Impact Reaction”

  1. I noticed while watching your video that once Arlecchino comes back from the mission. The “child’s” POV is black and white, not colorful when we first see her POV.

  2. The reason why she calls herself unfeeling is because, in her line of work, her children will suffer. She is allowed to take in homeless children and safeguard them, but she is provided the resources for that due to her position as the Harbinger. and as an harbinger, she is bound by her duty to supply Fatui with forces- soldiers and spies. Its a double edged sword. The position of Harbinger gives her the power to save the children, but it also forces her to raise them to fight and die. That is why she calls herself unkind and unfeeling. Because it doesn't matter, she doesn't wanna do it like the previous Mother. She doesn't wanna smile and send the children to death. She cares about them, but cannot make them feel betrayed at their death bed when they die. And one day, when its time for her to die and pass on the mantle to the next "King", the next child would not be killing a woman who talks about "loving them" but is unfeeling and unkind. It would be like killing someone that is not your loving doting parent. This doesn't means that you can scratch her children and get away with it, but she will also not feed her children fake hope…they are being raised as soldiers as spies, they are not being raised to grow and have a normal life, they are being raised as weapons, she is just doing her best to make them as capable as she can, for them to survive whatever comes next, without misleading them.
    I really love this kind of how the previous mother was a warm passionate woman with heart covered in ice while current arlecchino is the jaded ice with a very loving flame at its core.

  3. I used to be a big arleccino hater. However. With all the little details in her shorts, I've really grown on her.

    Things like being there for her kids death is really humanizing. Let alone making sure her child dies knowing that their efforts saved others.

  4. I don't play Genshin, but I like watching lore bits here and there, HoyoFair, CC's main quests videos, and other content; and Arlecchino is the one who has me rooting for someone fully. Furina was great, Raiden is tragic and poignent, but Arlecchino just feels like that wholly grey character that you don't mind crossing the line for. You don't mind the blood, just wipe it off. Crime? Don't tell nobody and nobody got hurt. Make the world better? Let's start close to home first.

  5. Interesting that you said her silhouette almost looks inhuman, since she's been described by another harbinger as a wolf in sheep's clothing. There's definitely some kind of inner beast there, and if you watch the version 4.6 trailer you'll see some more of that animal-like theming to her boss form

  6. Her constellation name is Ignis Pergatorius, which means purifying flame. So the idea that she's revealing the truth and judgement with her light definitely fits her theme. You hit the nail on the head

  7. Generally I consider reaction content to be lazy and unoriginal, but I really like what you have to say on this, actually dissecting the scenes in these animations and such instead of just playing everything up for the camera like most large reaction streamers do. actual effort was put into this and I appreciate that! new subscriber 🙂

  8. I love the constant symbolism of her and Funerals:
    – Her introduction she was creating a funeral for her spider, and left it a cake. (that was meant for her)

    – We then see the grave of a friend she killed and in her place, she left an orange.

    – Obvi she kills mother and doesnt create a grave…

    – Then a grave for her child, and leaves the man's rings.

    i dont know exactly what it means but it's very interesting how they are constantly tying her to grief.

  9. "Genshin is not usually this dark. Usually it's kinda hidden" is a statement I would have agreed with before 4.0. But child trafficking has been a major theme of Fontaine so far, and they are not hiding that at all. I think Genshin is going to continue to be overtly dark going forward.

  10. I am extremely terrified and extremely excited for her demo. and I've been non stop rewatching the reactions to all of the stuff for Arlecchino, especially the animated short. The song used in her Short is called Embirefire and Hoyomix released it a day-ish ago

  11. I wonder if the girl in the bed is the child at the end of The Song Burning in the Embers. The hair is much darker (which is quite common with blonde hair) but the eye color does match. It seems odd to have those last few seconds of her short unless it was just to emphasize her calling herself ‘Father’.

  12. Small detail that initially told me that the kiddo was definitely dying on my first watch was the view we get from her eyes. There's more color in the first shot of Arlechinno lecturing her, but when Arlechinno returns from doing the deed, it's more grayscale. Made my heart sink on my first watch…

  13. I'm very surprised you didn't capture the contrast in colors between Snezhevna's vision. In the first scene when she was telling Arlecchino about her mission, there was full color. But in the second scene after Arlecchino returned from crushing that guy's skull, Snezhevna's vision appeared more greyed out. The color was fading indicating that she was dying. This teaser is very beautifully done and that one detail really stood out to me.

  14. Also my favorite scene was when Arlecchino pushed open the door. It actually ties into what you said but it goes a bit deeper for me. To sum it up, the guy was sitting in the dark which is symbolic of his actual life. When Arlecchino pushed open the door, light burst into the room which is symbolic of her revealing his dark actions. What really stood out to me in this scene was Arlecchino's shadow being casted completely over him while the light was shining all around him. This can mean a few things, each of which are so incredibly poetic. I found and still find myself contemplating that one scene trying to figure out which meaning it was actually trying to show us.

    – Was it showing that Arlecchino is also from the shadows?
    – Was it showing Arlecchino revealing his schemes but keeping him in the shadows?
    – Is it showing that Arlecchino judged him IN the shadows as a means of keeping herself hidden?

    There's a couple more but those are the ones I think of a lot.

  15. Is Arlecchino a bad person for employing child soldiers? Sure she is. But now I can understand that her motivations go way beyond the Tsaritsa’s plans, or even the survival of the House. In her eyes, she is giving these children an opportunity to use their gifts for “good”, and to exact revenge on the world that abandoned them at the same time.

  16. I think I pointed this out in someone else's reaction. But one small detail you missed was during the POV of the dying woman. When she first is speaking and Arlecchino is holding her hand. The lighting is soft and warm. Providing a sense of comfort and hope while, also showing the burning life still within her.

    But… after Arlecchino finishes the "Deed/Mission" and returns. When she comes too, the warm lighting is now much more muted, grayed and hazy. Which gives the impression of what you said her actions being "Morally Grey". But also adds to the fact that the woman's strength was already leaving. As the colors and "Brightness" in her life have already begun fading. The "Fire" thats in her is nothing but a flickering ember that remained before her final words. And then the light leaving her eyes as she passed.

    And I do love the detail of when she first came into the room. She saw him and in that moment could have ended him. But she took her time… Holding her body as if she's subconsciously holding herself back. Taking each step slowly as she approached him. And while its never shown… one could assume from his reactions she stared him in the eyes the entire time. The lighting behind her casting a shadow on her face leaving the glowing X's of her eyes to pierce into his very being.

    Striking true fear into him, knowing that nothing in that moment was going to save his life. She was his judge, jury and executioner. Then when she picked him up she not only stared him down with a look of coldness. But it was a look of judgement as if a cold heartless "Father" picking up the person that hurt their child. And it show's where just before she throws him onto the grown you can see her face begin to twist with disgust and anger.

    Before going back to her stoic and almost taunting expression as she stepped on him. Letting him feel the fear of not knowing what was to come next. Even when she lifts her foot there's a momentary pause before committing to the act and ending him.

    Also judging by the blood that was on her face… and the soft "Squishing" sounds under her boots when she walked. We can assume that she did not stop with "One" stomp. So who's to say if a bit of that "Rage" didn't seep out in that moment. After all… Scaramouch did say.. "Those who have seen her True Crazed self… disappear."

    And the last detail was her standing in the rain. And the rain once again just like in the animated short symbolizing her falling tears despite her stoic expression.

    Another thing to note… while I won't spoil anything since you haven't played the game quiet yet. But "Father Arlecchino" has another outfit which she uses for missions, recon and assassinations. Meaning the fact she went to this individual in person in her normal attire mattered a lot more. As this wasn't just a "Mission" anymore. And that this was much more personal and direct. She didn't care about "Assassination". She was a pissed off "Father" getting back the person who harmed her child.

  17. The House of the Hearth isn't a school- it's an orphanage. Arlecchino takes in orphaned children, children who've often experienced horrible things- as we've seen with Lyney and Lynette. As such, all children of the Hearth are given a special surname- Snezhnevich for the boys, and Snezhneva for the girls. So when she refers to the dead child as Snezhneva, that has a whole unique meaning and tenderness. They ARE family. And I also love the fact that not only does Arlecchino fulfill her dying wish, but she mourns. The grave is not fresh, the funeral has long since been had, but she went back to the grave to mourn and show her the newspaper article of the man her sacrifice helped bring to justice. The fake veneer of kindness washed away, his true intentions and greed exposed to the world. She fulfilled her child's dying wish.

  18. Fontaine in genshin heavily references biblical ties with themes of the last supper, sinners and divine judgement/retribution, what arlecchino reminded me of in the scene @8:32 is an angel of death/judgement. To me, she appears out of thin air and her arms seemingly flare out like huge wings that later fold into each other, her coat making it seem like she has another pair of them tucked away, casted by a black shadow engulfing the sinner(the man who abused children) whose about to be judged before the divine, then the harsh white light that encompasses arlecchino, further giving it a terrifyingly striking resemblance of an angel cloaked in light acting out god's final judgement.

  19. My favorite thing is her haunting silouette from the guys point of view he likely would of seen her body and claw-like hand shapes and those piercing bright red X shapes in the shadowy light, until she began approaching yet still intimidating, the reason the light is behind arlecchino is because she is doing a act of right and honor, his in shadow cause he was doing horrible things and a act of sin, her shadow towers over him showing her power and might, whilst making it look like he shrunk, weak,'s my favorite shot.

  20. Btw. The "you can sleep now" has a hidden, Chinese meaning of dying and leaving them, she blamed herself at first for leaving without completing her assigned mission, but then she was relieved and arlecchino allowed her to go sleep


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