GOD MODE AMBER! Actually Kinda Shocked… (Genshin Impact)

Today in Genshin Impact weโ€™re showcasing a maxed Amber.
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0:00Maxing Amber
5:05 Pyro Amber Build
5:56 Pyro Amber Showcase
10:17 Physical Amber


25 thoughts on “GOD MODE AMBER! Actually Kinda Shocked… (Genshin Impact)”

  1. it instinctually pained me seeing moga farm the lamp grass without the seed gadgetโ€ฆ when i plan future ascensions itโ€™s rly handy to be able to grow the plants – obv it wouldnโ€™t be ready for him but Still

  2. Moga I feel the need to congratulate your editing in the videos. The little texts sounds and camera angles you are putting in are greatly appreciated keep up the good job!!!โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  3. Actually melt amber is actually better than a vaporize build since her pyro application from just charged attacks and bunnies is low that cyro can keep up

    Try using a team of:

    U can swap rosaria for Layla as well but it's harder for kaxuha ult to swirl cryo fast enough


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