Genshin Impact has a PROBLEM with its new ENDGAME Mode, the “Imaginarium Theater” and the community is MAD about it!
So in this video, I will go over what has happened, why this is a problem in the first place and also what you can do for your personal account to adapt to the new META.
This Genshin Impact Guide is inspired by the works of Zy0x, SharkH3art, Eakes, Doro44, JazzGal and many more…
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What do you say? Imaginarium Theater "Yay" or "Nay"?
as someone that never cared about the abyss and have built a lot of characters as much as I can, this new game mode seems aimed at me, but I don't find the combat challenges very fun at all, so I don't think I care about this game mode any more than I do the abyss :p
Am i the only one who loves it 🧍♂️
I can’t even play it past easy mode 😢 no primos for me
If you're going to set the bar to AR35+ players, don't just cater to the AR55+ players? Not all of us have a roster full of C6R5 level 90s. And of course the whales self-reporting defending the new mode.
As a player who has built every single character in the game I can say that Imaginarium Theatre is exactly what i was looking for.
IMO it is alot of fun and should motivate other players to level up and build their lesser used characters.
It is also nice that they provide Trial Character and the option to use Character from other Players.
I still think it is incredibly funny that other veteran players complain about not having enough character built to beat Imaginarium Theatre.
Those are probably the same players who always relied on the same 8 characters for abyss and always complained about not having anything to do during 'dead patches'
…instead of using their time and resin to build other characters.
The problem is the rewards, I don't think its fair end-game players can get all the rewards, but newer players can't obtain all of them.
They should change the rewards to make it easier to obtain all rewards for everyone.
This shouldn’t be a resetable mode this should be like sim universe in hsr
they should just remove the element restriction
TLDR; I like the Imaginarium Theater and got to Act 8. Even as a F2P player. So why is everyone complaining?
Personally, I do not see why there is so much commotion over Imaginarium Theatre. I am not trying to brag at all, but after doing 1 performance and taking ~7 tries to defeat the final boss (along with more in previous acts) I managed to get to Act 8 on my first attempt. I have a decently built account. I play in my free time and have not spent a dime on Genshin Impact for ~2 years.
I understand that there has now come a new focus on prioritizing building "wide" rather than "tall" with Imaginarium Theatre and people who don't even have a bunch of characters or only have built a select few for the Spiral Abyss are left out. If that's the case, in my opinion the game mode is not for you. Mind you, these are additional primogems that come on top of the Spiral Abyss (which has also increased to 200 primogems per chamber now). I do not believe that Genshin is prioritizing or discriminating against any player group.
If you are AR 35 and have no characters, you can use the ones provided to you and strengthen the ones you have. The point isn't for you to get all the way to Act 8 if that's the case. The same logic goes for expecting new players to immediately reach 36 stars in Spiral Abyss… you don't expect them to. So it is customary that new players receive less rewards with the potential to gain more once they spend time gaining new characters and leveling up the ones they have.
For older players with only a select few highly built characters. Again, you are still earning extra primogems for this game mode on top of what you get in the Spiral Abyss, no one is losing rewards compared to the past here. It is not expected for you to get to Act 8. Besides, if you have been playing since launch and whaled on a few characters, I am certain you have left over resources and artifacts that you can feed to other characters in the snap of a finger to quickly resolve that issue.
The point of the game mode is to be a pseudo rogue-like. If you have played Hades, I am sure you are familiar with this game mode very easily as it is: enter a room, fight the bad guys, get a random boon to power up, fight boss, repeat. It takes skill, luck, and patience. As long as you plan your support characters right, get good boons, and clear rooms efficiently, you will get pretty far in Imaginarium Theatre.
If you have had any other experiences or I am missing out on something please let me know, I would love to discuss about this new game mode as I enjoyed it and would like to hear other's opinions on it.
its basically rewarding people who have spent a lot of time collecting characters on the game which is nice because i have a lottt
Right now I have 29 characters. 14 of those are either Pryo AND Electro. So this is the only Season I’ll be able to play lol! And thankfully I already had 10 characters built. I am just thinking on the following.
Farming tf out of Noblesse Oblige and throwing that into the characters I cannot build on time for this season. Because of the buff it gives to the whole team in case you have a 4 piece. I still have to Build 4 more Characters to play Normal Mode and thankfully since I’m a farmer I have the mora and the materials. But yeezus christ… those 4 Characters being Beidou C2, Sayu, Keqing, Lynnette because makes no sense Building Faruzan bc she’s in the Trial…. AAH 😭 I was already Building Keqing AND Sayu. This is the only Endgame I’ll get to play.
Even though I have a lot of character and all. This imaginarium theater pretty much remove half of my team though. Still do able from my point of view. I don't feel like going for all the star though. Feel like a waste of time. I pretty much doing it for the reward though.
It was so easy
skill issue
This mode seems tailor made to accounts like mine. I have never liked Spiral Abyss because of the 'must have hypercarries' mindset. My account has EVERY character at 70 or above, with over 50% of my characters at level 90, and about 80% at 80. For the most part, they also all have a decent weapon and artifact set and are ready to go whenever I want. This came to be from me just leveling side characters when I was bored during 'dead' patches and playing them on active teams to max out their friendships. I've played with every single character on my account at least long enough to max that friendship up so I know how they work, and what teams they work best with.
But I barely ever 36 star the Spiral Abyss because I just can't kill the bosses quickly enough on the last floors. I don't even bother nowadays and at most do 9+10 for the primos, because I play casually and not to stress out on difficult combat modes that punish me for bad artifact RNG.
Honestly it really isn't that bad, I'm a player who only came back after months of not playing and I full cleared, I know someone else that came back after years of not playing and still cleared the normal difficulty completely. And that person poured most of her resources into Eula!
Yes, it rewards horizontal investment somewhat, but a.) you don't need to level those characters high because of how trivially low the enemy hp are, b.) you probably won't end up even using all of the characters to begin with, and c.) support + trial characters already give you a lot of leeway. Bottom line is, sure, a purely vertically invested account or a will have difficulty, but they will still be able to get MOST of the rewards, and over time it'll make building multiple characters actually rewarding.
Like seriously, getting REALLY GOOD artifacts for 36* abyss clears is harder than getting okay to decent builds on many characters.
The only issue that I have with this to be honest is the timer- like I think that not having ideal teams and element restrictions is enough for it to be unique but the timer ruins it to be honest
Idgaf what people think i love it
I'm gonna give my two cents about this as a day one player here.
I have seen that a lot of content creators are addressing the wrong point about this new mode as the main problem.
No, the mode is not "too hard" for new players, neither is "too easy" for old players. The problem doesn't have anything to do with how many characters you have build or how much vertical or horizontal investment you put into you characters.
The main issue with this new game is that… is just too boring.
The mode is presented as type of roguelike mode with the premise of you being able to play it with characters you don't have and using some of your characters for you to complete a set of battles with a variety of formation so you have to make it work around with what you have, but at the same time gives you some external buffs that are suppose to make a great difference in battle.
All of this is good and all both the mode becomes incredibly boring as much of the battle are not really that different as the ones in abyss or the challenges are a little too simple to complete for you to get the rewards you need to complete the mode. I personally didn't pay it too much attention on my first run, but I completed it without even thinking about it and without feeling nothing about it. In fact, I had more fun with the conversation you can have with the characters you just used on battle instead of looking forward to get to the next battle. And the boons… where I can even start. The supposed buffs you get for your characters are awful. They don't feel like something you can abuse or that can compensate for not having a functional team, it just feels like they are cool text boxes that you can hardly feel on battle. I seriously believe that this is one of the main flaws of the mode and can easily fix this whole fiasco.
The most intriguing part of this game mode is that…. the premise is really, REALLY similar to a previous event that game had around 2 and a half years ago, where you could play a roguelike challenge like this with a lot of effects and buffs taking place on battle, which wasn't perfect at all but it was far better than this new game mode.
If you ask me what should do to make the mode more engaging for all players, is to simply make the whole boon system be more important than the units that they want to promote with this new mode and it would be more enjoyable for literally everyone…
And if you are one of the supposed new players that cant complete the mode in the highest mode, my only strong advice is that just don't think too much about it… if you use the metric of 4 characters for elements to play this game mode, it means that you have to build 28 characters in total, about 20 more than needed for abyss. You can eventually reach this number without too much problem, but that would take a while and I personally don't believe should be your priority. The rewards of the mode also aren't that impressive and you should not worry too much to lose some primogems or not having that new Raiden photo pose. Just focus on playing the game and making your favorite characters strong enough to complete the main content. The mode is permanent, so you can play it whenever you feel ready to invest into other characters.
lol get good
Soo I'm F2P and I don't know why but i like the imaginarium theater. Just my opinion.😊
Imaginarium theater + spiral abyss is like the game telling you "spend 10,000$ to win," plus the resin cap.. dude this is a contract! 2 years of your life and 10,000$ and you too can beat Genshin Impact! Because the banners are even morrrreee restricting as well, even if the banners did all just come out too, youd run out of primos faster than barry allen's attention span in ap calculus! Idk if this game is for me anymore man..
Well.. I mean I only have one 5 star at ar 40, I can't even beat the spiral abyss.. These videos where theyre like oh bennet and [insert other good 4 star] are really good! And what's in todays banner, hmm.. Oh! None of them! Time to wait till next month.. 😕
If Imaginarium Theater were an addition to Spiral Abyss instead of replacing a circle then it would be fine.
Its annoying
I like the event is perfect for people who actually go out of there way to play with multiple teams. The genshin player base constantly contradicts itself. Just because you can’t complete something at max rewards doesn’t mean it should be available to players who can. You can’t have a challenge, while also catering to the casual player base.
I think its great and actually fun , yall are hating because you can complete on an easy way , for me it brings me back to when i was a new player you just need to grind and play a lot , it was needed
Thankfully for geo I have itto, Chiori, Gorou, Navia built so I’m kinda chilling but cyro I only have Layla :(.
Imagine having trounce domain bosses as SA enemies
I finally got my acc there where I can beat Abyss and now I have to start all over again… it also feels pretty off, that I have to do the theater bc I want the same amount of rewards than before and with the Abyss only resetting once a month I’m forced to do the theater too…
I'm on the side that the imaginarium theater is too restrictive
Just tell the developers it garbage 🗑 😂
I was not aware that my account was so different. I rotate through and play different teams all the time. I try to match teams to characters in events. Probably the reason none of my 70+ characters are below lvl. 60. I don't play the Spiral Abyss though. I use to do Belkin and BP but not anymore, this seems like a good way for me to earn more primogems. Once I figure out how the heck it all works…🤷🏻♀
As a AR50 player, I could only do easy mode…. It’s too hard and very restrictive [i’m ftp]
Me giggling cus I have 26 characters built (atleast level 80) and my friends used to always say “do u even have anyone else built??? All u use is lumine” time to finally show my true strength 😈😈🔥🔥
this should have been the way to do an endgame from the start, i like to use some of my benched characters but i cant use them bc i dont want to wast resources but, now that i have a reason to do that its too late tbh. if this endgame mode was from the start it would've been superb
I logged in and gave it a try.
I thought, "This is like Spiral Abyss but with team restrictions and Paimon."
Then I logged back out.
This new mode is perfect for me. I always pull for, build and friendship 10 every 4 star. And I have c2 nahida, furina and raiden so that kinda covers me vertically.
Imagine the Seasonal Element is Geo, Anemo and dendro 💀
I don't know how you got these point of views, but I've seen that from CN perspective.
From a non casual player point of view, the game mode is very bad for other reasons, being:
– you can't play real teams
– even playing scuffed teams (such as Arlecchino, Clorinde, Wanderer, Kuki), you're fine to clear a stage
– the cost of 80 to get characters is always more powerful then 60 for buffs
– buffs are horrible, because if you used 2 Vigors for Arle, and then you get "Pyro normal attack buff" it's completely useless
that was the endgame side of it, and honestly, clearing is funny, but any challenging at all
For casual players and early game players, the game mode's restriction is gonna drive people mad. But the issue is more because the mod suffers from RNG, and also because Genshin has released almost DPS's only for years. Hence, we're locked with a few good supports to use. If you are early, you probably only have Bennett, Xiangling, Fischl… So w/o Beidou, Sara, Chevreuse, Kazuha, Venti, Xianyun, yes, it feels just harsh
The funny thing is, if you start investing wide now, you might not be able to complete the abyss given the recent difficulty spike lol…
They calling it hard ☠️. I think they didn't unlock abyss floor12 yet🤡
After I learned what the bosses would be I can admit this mode isn’t THAT hard. But I still didn’t have fun as the restrictions feel arbitrary and not like it actually adds anything to the game. Most characters on my account are built, so that’s not an issue for me. But also, why have outside element characters if u can’t even use them unless u have them?? Like I thought sigewinne would’ve been a freebie unit to use, but nope she’s locked away.
I also do not like that all end game content are now locked for a month. If they’re gonna do this we need way more rewards and resin changes. U also make good points abt the account investment issue at all levels. I hv a friend that’s played for awhile but only invested in a few units, they can’t beat the mode last I spoke to them.
I absolutely HATE IT !
I don't understand shit what is going on ,I don't understand shit what I'm doing ,I don't know where to click ,I'm completely fucking lost for the first time in a genshin event in 3 years of playing !
And it's not even fun at all ! You just pray for your random bullshit team to show up so you can kill the ennemies ? It lag and you're screwed !
This mode was fun for me because it forces you to think! For once, the dendro jadeplume was actually a challenge! I feel happy about it, though I would like it to be a little less random and I can see why people are mad. But the base is there and they have to adjust and refine!
and it's timegated as well yeah nah good riddence
Also delete Wolfy
I hate it because there's to many step's to just fight so complicated to just fight a fight is a fight why complicated it and also they require you to have too many characters 😢 F