Genshin's Insane Collab Potential | Genshin Impact

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31 thoughts on “Genshin's Insane Collab Potential | Genshin Impact”

  1. A collab would be epic ngl but I feel like if they open that can of worms Genshin will start becoming another smash bros dlc thing with people only caring about what collab is next

  2. A persona 5 Collab where Albert's obsession with Barbara has gone over the line and you have to go into his palace and take his treasure. The Collab characters would be Joker (5 star) and Morgana (4 Star).

  3. lore doesn't matter for collabs, people just want to roll for 2B in the genshin world and run around as an android from a different ip and its always done for money, not lore reasons.

  4. I’m sorry I’m not fan of power rangers if they did a collaboration with that I’m not buying any character of power rangers 😂 I’ll like to see naruto collaboration or justu kisin or demon slayer or AOT or DBZ

  5. If they collab, part of me thinks it needs to be now during their peak popularity or after they prove their longevity. I kinda don't want them to collab because if they do and have event exclusive characters from Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, The Last Air Bender, Bleach, Naruto or something, I'll end up Whaling like a stupid person and I don't need that sort of nonsense in my life.

  6. I always joke about how Aether would basically be Tanjiro once he gets Hydro abilities.

    In Inazuma, I suppose he could be Zenitsu. But ✨Purple✨

    In all seriousness, I feel like I wouldn’t want to see many collabs happen in Genshin, I feel like the game is perfectly fine on it’s own.
    But…if they do a Demon Slayer collab, I’d scream. Or Dororo, though not entirely sure how’d that fit, but Hyakkimaru could (probably) do something. Imagine having a character who’s arms are literal blades. I’d definitely pull.

    (I recommend watching Dororo if you like a little bit of a darker story, it’s really good. 2019 version specifically.)

  7. Instead of getting an outright skin of anime characters we can for example get skins like hutao wearing a megumin hat.
    Definitely lots of potential. Idk about the going out of this world into an anime world though but if mihoyo could make it work somehow it would be pog

  8. Won't expect any big collab till next 3 years.
    Tough collab with some products like KFC, Pizza Hut etc are can still happen (and most likely will be CN exclusive of course)

  9. Eh, I don't know. A part of me thinks it would be sick, obviously, as a member of different fandoms.

    However, I also think Mihoyo is doing something on their own that is pretty impressive, with the characters they're creating, and that they don't need other, far more popular entities (like a Demon Slayer, for example) coming in and overshadowing them in their own game.

    But maybe my concerns aren't necessary. Idk.

  10. The thing with Honkai is that it has something of a multiverse that they call the Sea of Quanta which hosts bubble universes. Think of it as non-canon story universe which has no effect on the main story. I don't see collabs happening much unless Genshin Impact gets its own multiverse. Most I can see is a collab to just bring in some items such as the KFC foods and gliders.


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