Genshin Voice Actors are NOT GETTING PAID

Genshin Impact voice actors are not getting paid. Brandon Winckler (various roles) and Corina Boettger (EN Paimon) have not been paid in months. #genshinimpact #paimon


32 thoughts on “Genshin Voice Actors are NOT GETTING PAID”

  1. I feel like even if the studio is at fault and not hoyoverse directly, hoyoverse should absolutely step in at this point. I hope this becomes enough of a PR nightmare for them to start doing something because this is crazy

  2. A couple of points:
    1. I hope the VAs that do voice out (heh) this problem aren't getting hated or harrassed for a serious problem that shouldn't have been a problem in the first place

    2. I wonder if this is just for the EN (america) VAs or if the other dubs is getting fkd over too?

    3. I also hope the VAs aren't getting into legal trouble for this (and getting fired) since their contracts are pretty hush hush

    (And people were complaining that the VAs were charging money for fans to see them irl eventhough the VAs need the money to survive)

  3. I agree with Ashikai’s stance that even if HYV themselves aren’t directly responsible they are higher up in the chain of command and should make sure those employed under them and who contribute to the production of the game are fairly compensated and take the proper measures if they are not. Especially with how largely successful Genshin is this is a pretty big oversight. VAs deserve basic job security and stability with the projects they work on.

    The Genshin VAs always make it known how grateful they are for being able to work on Genshin so it just sucks to see that some of them aren’t being properly compensated. Hopefully this can be resolved and prevented from happening in the future and I’m also hoping neither of the VAs get smacked for speaking up.

  4. yikes.. this situation is weird. genshin impact brings them lots of money with the banner sales, so literally how is it a problem to pay the VA's that are such an important part of the game's experience?
    perhaps there was/is an internal issue the public and the VA's don't know about, but like, if there was really some legitimate reason that they couldn't pay on time, why not tell that to the creators so they at least know what's going on and won't feel as sour about the whole thing?
    hopefully this gets resolved sooner than later.
    like another commenter said, nothing seems to be confirmed exactly. if hyv/formosa is innocent, then it should be easy to respond to this. if they are guilty then, well.. it's hard to say what will they do

  5. If that game have union this won't happen. We didn't know if Genshin Impact fault or Studio fault? That's why paimon have different tune in English i see.

    We should tag Hoyoverse here

  6. Theres no problem on other VO language.. this is only a problem on EN especially the studio that mihoyo hired for the EN .. hope mihoyo fix this asap.

  7. We need to find out what is Hoyoverse position, it may be caused by many reasons, I fully support voice actors in this for now, but for now we are low on data.

    Btw, Hoyo is also the one who can sue the studio, cos such things cause damage to a company itself and the game too.

  8. For people who have the guts to say "These people are only doing this for the money". I constantly wonder if they know what a JOB is.

    Bro. Yeah, sure you can be generous and do work to make fans happy but you need MONEY to LIVE in a SOCIETY.

    Shocking, I know.

  9. Using the word "Genshin hates voice actors" in the thumbnails is just gonna add fuel to the fire because its only EN side problem meanwhile other branch KR,JP and CN doesn't have that problem they have their own podcast and happily to spend they're payment to play the game..the one that need to take the flame is the Farmosa agency the one that manage EN VA and their payment

  10. Ok but they have agents and lawyers that could check on their contracts.

    They could literally renegotiate a contract if they feel like they dont get paid enough.

    This issue could have been easily resolved if their agents and managers voiced their issues at mihoyo before they signed their contracts.

    Plus i douby they dont have any money they have CCP money backing them up.

  11. Ironically, there's a character in one the new world quests that has a job "creating voice lines" so they can be played through a speaker system. And one of the dialogue options with them is "You deserve a massive raise and a bonus!"

  12. Sonce this is a unique problem only for the English VAs, i doubt hoyoverse is responsible. That said, boy I would NOT want to have a multi million dollar company on my ass for not paying their MASCOT

  13. Seeing as this issue is not happening to any of the other Voice Over Language actors and its only happening to EN voice actors. The issue probably originates from Formosa the audio studio acting as the middle man between the actors and Hoyoverse.

    Also to all the people screaming at Hoyoverse to join a union contract (SAG), its not that simple especially since the company is in a different country (China). On top of that, claims made by Corina Boettger (Paimon EN's VA) of her being a part of Union (SAG) but somehow still working a "non union" job like Genshin makes no sense.
    SAG actors (union actors) cannot work nonunion jobs. Any actors that choose to do so regardless, is committing something known as "working off the card" which means they can be fined, suspended, and even expulsed from SAG.

    Everyone needs to chill out on this whole ordeal (especially the VA fans on twitter), Hoyoverse is not obligated to micro-manage a middle man company like Formosa which are the actual company that's supposed to be paying these Voice Actors. All these actors are doing is kicking up a fuss with vague details and allowing the general public to form their own distorted thoughts so they can start pointing their fingers at the easiest and most visible target: "Hoyoverse" And most if not all are not even bothering to dig further and just riding the hate wave.


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