Genshin Players Need To STOP Doing This

Genshin Players Need To STOP Doing This
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31 thoughts on “Genshin Players Need To STOP Doing This”

  1. To be completely fair here my takes were more aligned with Wanderer in the convo on stream, but it still stands for Childe too. Many people try to say the things Scaramouche did weren't evil to justify their love for the character, bro just love your evil character it aint that deep

  2. Threatening Liyue was a last resort though? He didn’t WANT to involve innocent/weak people but he did so as a way to see if Morax would be drawn out. He had faith that his plan would work and eventually, no one would be harmed because Morax would be forced to save his people.

    Yes, Childe isn’t “good” per se and he knows exactly what kind of organization he got himself into, but compared to the other harbingers he’s much more accommodating.

  3. To be totally fair destroying liyue wasn’t childe’s intention. He assumed— correctly— that Rex lapis would be baited out to defend Liyue, except the Qixing handled it. Obviously not saying that choosing to gamble the lives of an entire city is like, a morally neutral action, I just think it’s worth pointing out his motive wasn’t just “haha chaos and murder is so much fun”

  4. THIS!!! I love Scaramouche/Wanderer, he's my favorite character (along with Furina) and I like him because he's a well written character, not because he's a goody two shoes, I hate when people try to make him look like that. The only time you'll find me "justifying" his actions (and it's more like explaining) is when people say he's evil just because, try to say his actions made no sense or he just had "mommy issues"

  5. See, I love headcanons for Childe in fanfictions where Childe is morally grey. If there is a good, detailed backstory and development. I know Childe is morally very damn dark grey, I wouldn't say 100% pure evil like Dottore level evil, but very nearly evil, yeah.

    Childe as the manipulated, broken abyssal kid who was a child soldier groomed and formed into basically have a psychotic break? Stunning if well written in a fanfic.

    But other than that, survival of the fittest killing because he loves the rush of battle but also just loves his family? Childe is insane and we love him haha.

  6. I love my man Chillde, but come on, in his voicelines he says he wants to rule the world, and be the strongest. He also says he doesnt care what he has to do to become stronger. He's evil, but a very fun kind of evil.

    Reminds me of people saying that arlecchino is a good person because she likes her family when really dhe's still evil, she can be evil and care about people.

  7. For me thats Frieza i love that he is evil. Personally i enjoy Pure Evil anyway far more than broken Villains. I don't want to feel bad for my Villains and enjoy there Evil doing.

  8. I cannot bring myself to like dottore😭 everything about him sets off every red flag alert in my brain, he’s experimented on kids, I just can’t bring myself to like someone like him. And if you do that means he’s a goodly written character! And same with hating him!

    I say this now but my dumbass used to like HISOKA 💀

  9. What Scaramouche did was evil, but I just can’t blame him, he had no one to show him guidance, he was just shown “be strong or be stomp on”, he didn’t even understand the cycle of human life, that’s why he considers the kid’s death as a “betrayal”. I would say he was evil, but what option did he had left?

  10. For Childe, he did awful things. However, his story quest simply exists to essentially redeem him in the eyes of the traveler. He did almost wipe out Liyue, and I will not deny that, but it is very heavily implied that that was the plan from the very beginning to try and coax the geo archon out so they could steal his gnosis despite not knowing what was going on behind the shadows. I don't think he's evil. He's misguided to a certain point since the Rooster is likely using him for personal gain. Once again, I don't think he's morally gray, nor do I think he's evil. I think he's just conflicted and also crazy due to abyssal corruption.

  11. Ok but why is everyone acting like the chatter said Childe was "goody two shoes morally good all of the time" lmao? Pretty sure chatter specifically did NOT say "morally good"

  12. Hey yk, as long as you don't condone an evil character's actions, I ain't judging you, hell, I may even like em too! It's okay to like evil bastards, just don't start thinking their actions were okay unless they had DAMN good reason

  13. Inwish i could quote the Cbikn Nuggit short with Slushy telling people that as long as you do not condone those actions irl it is okay to like your fictional evil character.

  14. Here the thing tho, I think Childe is an anti-hero in the most literal of terms he want to a axhieve a good goal through villanous means, in short, he wants Sneznaya and his family to be prosperous, but he chases that goal… by killing people and taking power from the gods, imo just saying someone is evil just because they kill is a flanderisation of a character: Spiderman kills superman kills, they might not do it a lot, and might not resort to that every time because of their morality, but that part of them is there it's still their character trait.

    Tl;dr : Calling childe a villain is reductive and not a proper way to present who he is in the Genshin lore.


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