Genshin Players NEED to Hear This | Genshin Impact

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45 thoughts on “Genshin Players NEED to Hear This | Genshin Impact”

  1. Sumeru series as the midpoint in the story so far, and if they fail to make the playerbase happy with it then it's very likely that they will lose a whole hoard of dedicated players. At that point they might consider some tough repayable content.

  2. I’m a day 1 player as well. Realized this last year during the first lantern rite festival. So I started taking breaks to let content build up.

    Granted I missed the initial release of kazuha, Eula, yoimiya, and ayaka I took a break then and returned during the release of Raiden Shogun. The amount of content I had stacked up made me fall in love with the game again. Now I have Ekanomiya and the Chasm both to explore before the Sumeru update.

  3. Well my final target is thundering pulse. That's all. I don't even care about Sumeru or anything. And the thing I want genshin to change is all about artifacts reroll or something like that. I know that there is no point to get perfect artifacts but in my opinion I enjoy min max my roster and just for pleasing my eyes to see my characters have proper build. Maybe, it's simple thing but that's what I want about the game 😂

  4. I wish “end game” would be added but if it’s going to happen I think it’s going to take years. I think they will release every region before they go down that road, and Sumaru is only the half way point…

  5. Don't worry guys, if you want something more intense to spend your money and time on, Hoyoverse is making another game for you (ehe). In Genshin, you can either spend your money or your time to get to the same level in terms of combat power. If you have a lot of time to play, you don't need to pay money. If you paid a lot, you can get ''graduated'' very quickly. ''Graduation'' should be the happiest moment in a gacha game. It means you can move on to main another gacha game or anime, and pay a visit occasionally when there is an update. Don't worry that Hoyovers will lose so much money if you don't play it or pay for it. They have already taken their next step to launch new projects (new games, AI streamer technologies, and satellites,…), and so should you.

  6. Still what is the reason for not making end game more interesting? It could still be limited by resin, and done instead of domains how would that make game any worse for "casuals"? It could unlock when you say 6star or 9star floor 12 so most casuals wouldn't even know that it exist. It could have co op, it could require many different teams. Heck they already make events with selectable difficulty, that feel end game like so I don't see how that would fundamentally change the game.

  7. After i hit AR 60 3 weeks ago, i actually play genshin super-casually now. I don't care about resin anymore. Most of my characters that i want to play are fully build and almost all of them at lvl 90 with talents lvl 8 and above. Now it's time to enjoy the game in small doses whenever i feel like it.

  8. Idk what counts as an endgame, repeatable content? I think if they decide to add at least one more content like the spiral abyss or make the spiral abyss rotate 3 times a month or add a 13 or 14th floor that would be pretty cool. But I agree, I think they know who their consumers are and if it ain't broke don't fix it ig

  9. It would be awesome or if we could a Pvp/online pvp mode even if it’s against AR 55 and above, but you’re correct. Hoyo verse made genshin as a story driven exploration experience and probably didn’t even expect a hardcore fan base to even happen. Getting to the current “endgame” there’s nothing really to it, you just burn resin, 1 shot the pyro or cryo boss, and do your commissions. all you can really do is wait until Sumeru then after 3.0 they will release mini games and stuff until Fontaine. It’s okay to have hopes or desires, just know what genshin is foremost and keep them kind of small.

  10. I try making it a side game but I enjoy it so much that I just sit there looking at the screen sometimes. When I do stop playing it's usually cuz hoyoverse pisses me off and I leave for a few weeks to months.

  11. Ironically, you probably get more enjoyment playing the game with characters like Amber and Barbara than you would Kazuha and Yelan because they at least offer you a challenge and you don't pull your hair out waiting for good artifacts.

  12. When Genshin has actual competition, it may change. There are people at Hoyo that want a change, but there is no monetary reason to change yet.

    May. Likely not. But it will be there for the story once a month.

  13. THANK YOU for pointing this out. All I hear for years now is people complaining about the lack of endgame, asking when the endgame is coming. It's not gonna happen. It's not how Hoyoverse envisions this game. If you think that makes the game bad, okay, don't play it, it's just not made for you. Others (millions!) however enjoy it just the way it is.

  14. Genshin Impact is already considered the best game in the gaming industry, a free to play game having free content update, best gameplay, amazing character design, and masterpiece story unlike other games like Elden Ring for example which is meh in terms of design wise.

  15. I think the game would be much more complete with a proper end-game, but I haven't cared about it for a long time. I still like to make suggestions or pose what-if scenarios, even if it's just a fun thought exercise that understandably falls on deaf ears, but I'm fully okay with Genshin being the game where I occasionally log in and become vegetable as I explore the amazing landscapes while the music makes me zen as fuck, I know they're good at that. If you shift the mindset and focus on what the game does offer, you'll have a much better time.

    And while I'm all about making games like this and Warframe etc. a little something for everyone, they don't have to go that route, and never really mislead us too hard into believing we'd get it. It's totally valid if people wanna leave because of it, and I don't mind the critiques at all, but you can't hold onto hope and expect it too much. I really sympathize with content creators who committed and now find themselves at a loss, even just regular players who mentally committed, but for the latter, it's definitely best to let go and make peace.

  16. This is why i enjoy genshin so much. i can put only an hour of time into and be "endgame" and clear all the content fast and have fun. it really gives me time to play other games

  17. I dont really want end game for genshin, when i play other games and it gets end game than poof, thats it end of game, i have no more reason to play it, like tales games or souls games, even tho u can play new game plus or get diff endings, its like whats the point, but in genshin i dont need to worry about that, im happy with new maps to explore, open world puzzles & chests. I think if they added end game, then it would end up like skyrim, where u add mods to give u a reason to play, until u get bored of the mods and thats it, its over, the magic is gone, than u start looking for something new to play, thats just me, everyone is diff & i respect that.

  18. I will never accept this. If Genshin truly was a "casual" or "side" game, then there would be NO RESIN SYSTEM, DAILIES, OR LIMITED EVENTS so people don't feel compelled to log in. Casual games don't try to get you to be committed. That's how I know Genshin isn't truly one.

  19. So yoimiya or wait for sumeru?
    Also No need for end game… just lots of puzzle locked chests…. i died of boredom and i didnt even come near ficshel island puzzles yet… also thank God for taka gg vids

  20. Endgame will not come as we think but they will make the game more challenging I have a feeling Sumeru monster LVL may be higher making its so new players will have to take there time to get up to par an not rush and they may initiate Challenges that scale off your Party LVL better and an Ai that learns our patterns and scales up there attack based on how fast we beat it or of our Damage numbers …but the may make future content harder to match the LVL and power of the older players


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