Genshin Impact's new abyss is worse than you can imagine

Today in Genshin Impact we’re going on an adventure to pain town. We actually live there now. Yep. Full citizens. Twitch: Discord: …


43 thoughts on “Genshin Impact's new abyss is worse than you can imagine”

  1. I like this new Spiral Abyss, it is exactly the right difficulty for me, a Welkin+BP player. It took me multiple attempts, but I was able to 36 star it in the end. I personally didn't have trouble with 12-2, but 11-3 and 12-3 really fucked me over.

  2. How u spend 1,000 dollars on a game just to be trash 🤣🤣🤣somebody used the begging 4 stars and still beat it and you over with every character dang your garbage 😭😭😭

  3. Just wanted to say that some of the hydro abyss mage bubbles are further away and invisible until you bump into them. They are roughly at the angles where there are gaps in the inner bubbles, but further away from the abyss mage. You need to dash away then dash diagonally to avoid them.

  4. Big same about the inability to start on chamber 3 even if you've 3 starred the rest already. Im down to experiment and keep on trying 12-3 since it's the only thing in abyss I haven't full starred yet, but I just gave up for the meantime. Repeatedly going through 12-2, with comps designed for 12-3, while having to finish it with full energy for everyone, has been insanely frustrating. I guess 34 stars w/ no zhong, ganyu, or venti is good enough

  5. I got to 12-3 fast, but I went about it your original strat, double fire -> double ice, to suffer through part 1, my Ganyu has the water guys on freeze lock, but I guess I kite better? I rotate a lot and break aim only to dash. My issue is not having a Pyro to break the last Cryo shield. May not try to get it. I love the difficulty increase, but I don't think I have the characters raised for it.

  6. Not having shields in abyss tough. Zhongli and diona are a must for me in abyss. I already got 9 star on floor 11 but floor 12 seems like it's gonna make me rip my hair out.


    Here's my team for floor 12 chambers 2 and 3 that got me all stars, along with my tactics:

    Chamber 2 First Half: 
    Venti, Jean, Fischl, Tartaglia

    2nd Half
    Bennett, Zhongli, Ganyu, Albedo

    After getting 3 stars, I swap the teams and use Rosaria instead of Fischl to prepare for chamber 3, and run more of a permafreeze with near 100% uptime with Rosaria burst permafreezing the water mimics:

    Chamber 2 first half: 
    Bennett, Zhongli, Ganyu, Albedo

    Chamber 2 second half: 
    Venti, Jean, Rosaria, Tartaglia

    Chamber 3 First Half
    Bennett, Zhongli, Ganyu, Albedo

    Second Half
    Venti, Jean, Rosaria, Tartaglia

    *I know that I have quite a few five stars, but I'm sure you can substitute certain characters if you have them built well.

    Tactics for floor 12 chamber 2 first half:

    venti's ult!

    Floor 12 chamber 2 second half:
    I start off by walking towards the hydro abyss mage and use Bennet's ult. Then I switch to Albedo and use his skill and ult, swap to Ganyu and use her ult and skill. At that point, the hydro mimics and such are gathered close to me. I then swap to Zhongli and use his ultimate, followed with his skill for shield. Ganyu and Albedo's ult will do a ton of dmg, followed with some charged attacks from Ganyu. After that, I make sure to have near 100% shield uptime with Zhongli. If I don't have the shield, I don't bother to try to charge attack with Ganyu much, and rather use her skill and escape, not risking any damage. Then just kill everything with Ganyu and Albedo, using Bennett's ult if necessary.

    **Don't start with Zhongli's shield as it will still get destroyed when using bursts, leading to downtime. What's important is keeping his shield up and Ganyu alive!

    Floor 12 chamber 3 first half:
    This was quite a struggle for me, but here's what I did:
    I start with Bennett and use his burst. Then I go Albedo skill and burst. Then Ganyu skill and burst, then Zhongli burst then skill. I Make sure the Lectors are focused on Ganyu's taunt so I can do dmg without worrying about my shield and health. I make sure to be cautious when I don't have Zhongli's shield. By the time the Lectors get their electro shield, I will use Bennet ult if it is up, Ganyu's ult, and Albedo's ult and skill, along with Zhongli's shield (remember, having 100% Zhongli shield uptime is important!). I then finish off the Lectors using Ganyu charged attacks.

    **Make sure to have Zhongli's shield up! Use Cryo for the Lector's shield, (pyro may work as well?), and try to dodge the energy sucking orbs summoned by the Lectors.

    Floor 12 chamber 3 second half:
    Start off by facing the pyro agent or whatever is in between the two other mobs and use ventis ult. Then use his skill along with jeans skill. For this floor, I mainly did dis with Venti and Jean. Tartaglia couldn't really hit them in venti's ult, and so I used rosaria just for extra swirl damage and orbs. I make sure to have near 100% uptime with venti's ult. If I don't have his ult up, I will gather the enemies with Jean's skill, preventing the mages from teleporting and the agent from going invisible. Then I finish them off by repeating.

    **Make sure to have near 100% uptime with Venti's ult. Use his and Jean's skill to gather lots of particles. Use Jean's ult when low hp. The other two units for me didn't do the most, but having lots of energy recharge like I do for Rosaria, along with Rosaria's burst and skill dmg it whittled down the enemies health, and I finish floor 12!

    Hope y'all find this helpful, I'm not really a whale, spent around $100 and have Amos bow for Ganyu, no other 5 star weapons.


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