Genshin Impact – The Worst Side of The Worst Community

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25 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – The Worst Side of The Worst Community”

  1. I know I haven't made a proper video in a while and that is mostly due to lack of time . I will at very least try to get more videos out in the future but I don't know how quickly I can do that so I wont make any promises .

    I wanted this video to be something bigger but I realized if I kept going the way I was going it would have taken me another 2 weeks to get a video out so here is what I got done, audio might sound choppy in certain sections but that is because recorded this in chunks over the past week

  2. From my experience Genshin Twitter + Tik Tok + Instagram = nuclear radioactivity. The shit I’ve seen people comment about is weird. I enjoy the game for what it is, but yup the social media part is mentally ill.

  3. Well do I have a couple of things I want to say on this matter so sit back and enjoy because this most likely will be a long comment.

    First, Genshin Twitter, or rather just Twitter:
    I've seen multiple videos that show just how bad Twitter has become. It's so bad that it just turned me off from making a Twitter account entirely. This includes Genshin Twitter, they get sensitive over anything. In fact the current drama over one of Genshin's characters I've come across was people trying to cancel Paimon of all characters because apparently she's racist for saying the Sumeru food smelled weird and was burnt or something. Now, that's the comicly funny/smh moment side of Genshin Twitter cause at the end of the day it's a freaking fictional character.. But then you get to the really bad side of Genshin Twitter where, like what Soul mentioned in the video which is literally attacking the VOICE ACTORS, who have NO CONTROL over how good or bad their characters are. This goes so far as sending literal DEATH THREATS, which doesn't take much to say that if you tried to do that irl you'll be thrown straight into jail. They don't care how the voice actor feels, or what situation they're in; he'll they literally fucking rejoiced when Childe's/Tartaglia's voice actor was admitted IN THE HOSPITAL. Now I don't know Lilypichu much or watch her content, I just know that she's the voice actor of Sayu. I didn't even know she quit voice acting in video games because of the toxic part of Genshin's community and honestly I feel so bad for her. It was fucked up what those people did to her that made her never participate in voice acting game characters ever again, and honestly shame on those who contributed to her having to resort to that.

    Next thing I want to talk about, the uproar on the skin color fictional characters:
    .. Where the hell do I begin with this? Ok let me get this out of the way, I'm not a POC (that abbreviation stands for person/people of color btw), I pass as a white girl irl. I might get wrong on a couple of things, so if any person of color is reading this and wants to comment on what I'm saying in this section please go ahead. Now wit htaht being said, blackwashing a fictional character in general is not going to promote companies to make more black characters. There's a better way, and this may be shocking.. but you could always, oh I don't know, actually make black or dark skinned characters in general? I mean as an artist myself that's what we should do right? Well no even when we do Twitter gets enraged for either the characters skin not being "dark enough" or "is too dark" like.. do y'all realize there's multiple shades of skin colors? Not every POC has dark brown skin you know? Speaking of skin colors for the Sumeru characters, I say they pass as being POC, in fact there's more POC characters in Sumeru than in the other regions; which makes sense since Sumeru is based off of the Middle East. And hey, wouldn't it be better for companies like Hoyoverse to incorporate diversity naturally with genuine characters (well ok not with Genshin since characters in that are cookie cutter but you get it) rather than forced diversity because Twitter said so? Point is just let the company do their thing when it comes to diversity in characters. But if you feel like it's lacking simply just ask rather than lighting your pitchforks and starting a hate mob on the internet. Again if any POC is reading this and wants to correct me or want to add anything regarding this please do.

    Third, how the Genshin community will eventually lead to Genshin Impact's downfall:
    Believe it or not us players can also influence just how well a game does. So it's no surprise where, just as Soul said, people won't even touch the game because of the community. Not only thay, but I have a theory that if the community stays this toxic it'll affect current players as well and I would know: besides getting burned out on Genshin the community was also part of the reason as to why I stopped playing Genshin altogether. I'm sure there are others getting burned out just by Genshin's toxic community itself, and may end up quitting Genshin altogether. And with how slow patches come out, not to mention it took at least two years for dendro to come out and for the fourth region to come out, I think the community might end up killing this game if the community won't realize just how toxic they've become. But hey, that's just a theory and may not happen, I mean we're talking about a community based off of an anime gambling game that literal adolescents can get into.

    Finally, my overall thoughts:
    I'm glad I don't have a Twitter, and now I'm starting to appreciate the fact I don't pay much to genshin so much besides watching videos that criticize genshin and it's community like this guy 👆. Thank you Soul for not being afraid to share your thoughts and yeah. We knight as well all say adios to our Twitter accounts and watch the chaos that is Twitter with popcorn in out hands. Again sorry for the long rant I just felt like getting my opinion out there.

    Oh and I would like to correct you on something in your video Soul:
    The toxic side of Genshin's community, hell Twitter itself isn't the entire circus. They are the entire entertainment industry and are the reasons why clowns still have their jobs.
    Have a good day/afternoon/night 🙂

  4. Elon Musk would had gotten the Nobel Price of Peace and one of the biggest money flexes in history if he would had bought Twitter to simply take it down.

    Edit: I know something eventually would substitute it but its a moment of peace (and pure chaos for others) in the meantime.
    Being ignorant and not constantly connected to the social networking services is a blessing.

  5. I genuinely get everything u said here and most of genshin community is a cancer that has cancer but… as someone who's from the middle east I know there's every skin color under the sky present here also fairly evenly I might add so it would be nice if that was represented evenly I guess but like a normal person at the end of the day I'll say who gives a shit

  6. Honestly I don't think they are even playing the game, they just exist there to complain about something, coz they have nothing better to do than to complain and harass other. Sometimes I wonder they are some type of cult or something that appraise their god through these practices.

  7. i like your channel and all, but i think calling people mentally ill in a derogatory way like this is just kinda. gross. you are totally allowed to hate genshin twitter but, not everyone with a mental illness acts like this, and not every mental illness makes u act like this.

    i dont know if youll even see this comment, and i promise im not one of those snowflake twitter users or anything but stigmatizing mental illnesses like this is just. wrong. ive been close to a lot of people who struggle with mental illness and they arent inherently bad people for something they cant control

    also, i cant tell if you are anti they/them pronouns or not. but if you are i dont really understand why or how it affects you.

    i know commenting this is missing the point of the video, but whatever delete my comment if u dont wanna see it i dont mind. no hard feelings or anything and the rest of the video was awesome yet again, nice work

  8. Since I'm not on twitter for like a good 6 months I just chalked how garbage and toxic GT is to all fandoms of games on twitter and its popularity, but fuck me it's bad. Even if it is the so called vocal minority, that audience is larger and so much worse than entire fandoms of other games- I can only hope that GT is just full of children who will get embarrassed at themselves in a couple of years.

  9. i agree with you on the whole skin colour thing. not only it just,,doesnt matter. but we saw how mihoyo handles characters of colour in genshin. just colour swapping a white npc. a playable character would look like shit. not to mention a character's playstyle matters the most

  10. "Project Baby. Go to the Camp" klee no lol.

    Good, we need people like you to call out the high amounts of cocaine-induced freaks on Genshin Twitter. I even called out a lot of the bozos on Twitter for making fun of both Dori and her VA and gained a surprising amount of attention for it. Funny you say how you left for a bit then came back to the Hell hole that is Genshin Twitter because even being gone for a day from those freaks is more than enough time to gain atte to and clout. The Dori mess on Twitter was out of control.


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