Genshin Impact Shenhe Character Demo Trailer

Check out Shenhe The Crane in the Wild in this latest character demo trailer for Genshin Impact.

Among the villagers who often traverse the mountains, there is a saying that goes like this: When walking in the mountains, one must keep your eyes and ears wide open at all times to stay vigilant against evil spirits.
If you hear a mournful cry of cranes and feel a strong gust of wind wrapped in frost, it means that an exorcist or an adeptus is close by, slaying demons.
If that happens, take a detour and nothing should happen to you.


42 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Shenhe Character Demo Trailer”

  1. WAIT A MINUTE SO IN CHONGYUNS IDLE VOICELINE HE NEVER FINISHES THE LAST PART SHENHE DOES HE SAYS "Heart be pure, evil be erased. Mind be purged, world be…" Um… Ugh, I always forget that last part. SHENHE FINISHES IT WITH “Mind be purged world be saved” IM SCREAMING RN-

  2. Dang I could pair her well with my ayaka but I'm saving for zhongli or ganyu because I'm a hu tao main

    Plus I think zhongli is epic and ganyu is cute


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