Genshin Impact – R1 Level 80 Staff of Homa vs R1 Level 90 Jade Wing Spear on Zhongli (See Pinned)

Rolling for 5 star weapons sucks due to the 50/50. I got a Skyward Blade before Staff of Homa. I wish Mihoyo could change it into separate banners for all players to have a shot at getting what they want for a specific banner. The 6k Primo gems saved during the Lantern Rite event and intertwine fates all wasted for nothing.

Showcase time stamps:
0:00 R1 Level 80 Staff of Homa with Attack % Sands
2:56 R1 Level 90 Primodial Jade Winged Spear with Attack % Sands
5:12 R1 Level 80 Staff of Homa with HP % Sands

Conclusion, it is most optimal to go with HP sands when you have a Staff of Homa because even getting HP sands and substats are considered huge bonus for Zhongli and not to mention he is thick af when using Staff of Homa.


23 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – R1 Level 80 Staff of Homa vs R1 Level 90 Jade Wing Spear on Zhongli (See Pinned)”

  1. Update: With regards to the feedbacks received on weapon level is not the same and Planet befall was casted before Jade shield was used, I will like to apologize to all my viewers for the inconsistent showcase and at the same time, thank you for the feedback as well as the kind people who have shown support. I am starting out to be small content creator and still have a long way to go.

    I have uploaded a more accurate damage showcase video. You can view it at:

    What do you think of this Staff of Homa? Will you trying your luck to get this weapon even though Weapon banner rates are known to be worse than limited character banners? Or will you consider the Lithic Spear/Blade? Be sure to let me know your thoughts and views.

    Next week I will be showcasing Hu Tao with R2 Deathmatch, stay tuned.

  2. The comparision is not fair. Going homa means going full hp build. Everything else doesnt really make sense to me. Can you redo it? Doesn't have to be with set-bonus.


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