Genshin Impact Power Creep VS Outclassed | Character Power Creep Mentality EXPLAINED

Genshin power creep is a common phrase thrown around but it’s important to realize the difference between power creep and outclassed. In this video we will talk about the current state of Genshin Impact character power creep and scaling.


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42 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Power Creep VS Outclassed | Character Power Creep Mentality EXPLAINED”

  1. People going for META only does it for the abyss tbh. When you think about it, mihoyo is powercreeping newer character, the content itself is still the same for anyone whether you have for example, diluc or hutao. So like I say everytime, go for waifus//husbandos and not META

  2. I don’t spend anything on this game and I know i will get the special character on my next pity I’m not spending anything until baal bc yall know archons break this game

  3. I mean if you keep creating new characters that keep outclassing what we have, what do we get? Powercreep. Its one and the same in the long run. Sure right now the example of hu tao outclassing amber holds but a year down the line some new character will outclass hu tao. what is that but not powercreep?

    Soon they will balance content around the characters that 'outclass' the previous ones and guess what? old characters will no longer be viable in that content.

  4. Long comment ahead.

    I get what you're saying and you're right, we shouldn't be slaves to the consumer mentality.

    Realistically speaking though, ain't gonna happen. Using your iPhone example of "powercreep/outclassing", you get more value out of the phones because of a few reasons:

    1. The new phone will likely cost more than the old one.
    2. The old phone will, because of lower value, become cheaper for those who still want to buy it.
    3. Unlike animated characters, cost of manufacture for something like a phone is higher. A $500 phone might cost $200 per phone to manufacture, while characters are practically free after the initial (admittedly significant) creation cost.
    4. Genshin/Gacha characters just aren't a good value in general. You get a whole AAA game for a fraction of the cost of a single character and that can't be ignored.

    While people should know that going in and temper their expectations/desire to spend, I can't really fault the people who would've invested so much to get something unsatisfying in the end. I'd get pissy about a phone that didn't meet my expectations and that isn't as bad a value.

    Factoring what mentioned before, if they found some way to reduce cost of getting older characters or making people feel they're getting more value in general, people wouldn't be as sensitive about it.

  5. I wouldn't even consider Hu Tao to be "outclassing" diluc… She CAN do more dmg than him (single target ) but has way more caveats to reach that higher DMG which is fair. Diluc has very little caveats but has more consistent DPS instead of burst which is also fair. With the amber situation it is complete powercrept because there are hardly a single situation where I'd rather run amber than most other pyro carries. However abyss floor 11 and even some part of floor 12 some streamers have admitted they prefer using diluc in certain situation over Hu Tao. As long as they have some sort of niche….I wouldn't say that have been "powercrept".

    Ganyu on the other hand …did power creep every DPS. Without any caveats or cooldowns she frankly just does more dmg. She is the only character I consider "broken " in the game. While Hu Tao kinda need c1, R5 dragonsbane or homa to even come close to that level….ganyu just does more than everyone else even with prototype crescent. Plus AoE and she has some support capabilities as well. Yh ganyu was way too overtuned ….

  6. well as for me, it doesn't matter as long as they don't make the content way too hard that the older characters can't keep up with it. no problem with power creeping as long as they don't make enemies way too difficult for older characters, it should be balanced. #thanos

  7. If you're a low spending or F2P player with limited resources and a small pool of Resin every week, It arguably makes zero sense to invest in Amber if you had access to Ganyu or Venti. While yes, Amber is a free character, you could argue that for Xiangling, Fischl, and Diona as well and the payoff for investing in them is much higher.

  8. The term meta in this game is not really an issue if you look into it since you can play the game with f2p materials. majority of the people invest in primos because they want their waifus and husbandos

  9. it might be better to just tell people to stop complaining about it lol, it feels like introducing "outclassing" and telling people that they're wrong about the ultimately subjective definition of powercreep only makes the discussion about powercreep less productive and more difficult to understand

  10. I think currently there could be an argument made that power creep doesn't exist in the game, it's simply just some characters outclassing others, but I'm more worried about the long term effects of this. If we go back to the iPhone example you brought up, yeah comparing let's say the iPhone 11 with the iPhone 12, the iPhone 11 is just outclassed and you don't necessarily need to upgrade, but if you compare the iPhone 12 with the original iPhone, the original iPhone simply can't keep up in pretty much every capacity even though technically it's as powerful as when it first came out. Theoretically if the original iPhone could run the current version of iOS, it would struggle heavily to do basic tasks, even though again, the original iPhone is just as powerful as when it first came out, it's just that the software has gotten so advanced and the original hardware wasn't made to handle this newer software. So relating this back to genshin, it's like when Klee first came out, everyone considered her a very good DPS in the current difficulty, but as the content got harder, she kinda fell by the wayside. It's not to say she isn't viable now, but if the game continues this trend of creating characters to match the harder and harder content, we could run into a situation where Mihoyo could flat out make a character that is simply just better than Klee in every way (I guess in terms of lore it could be Alice if she ever becomes a playable character). So again, I don't think power creep is currently in the game, but I worry about the long term effects of this if the content gets continually harder and characters are created to match this difficulty.

  11. So basically, forget about the meta which just makes you spend your gems on characters you might not really want just because you "need" them and instead just save for all the characters you actually want. I know I'm saving for the Electro Archon and I don't care if she is insanely powerful or eventually outclassed.

  12. Walrus this is a very good discussion and as a long time fan of your videos and content, I would also like to ask you to watch at how you promote the characters/elements in the game because often times you contribute to the idea that older characters are obsolete even if you don't intend to. This is noticeable when you speak about elements that aren't related to vaporize/melt (you often objectively dismiss electro/hydro/etc characters because they can't DPS like melt/vaporize characters can (this is a whole another can of worms that we can get into later, I digress) even if you don't realize it). You yourself often mentioned how much you enjoy Keqing despite her not being meta viable as though meta is the only acceptable way to play. It's not and you know that too. Like you said, these characters get the job done. This is also noticeable when you make videos asking for electro buffs and similar, because that's what's contributing to powercreeping in the game. Think about it – we don't need an electro or geo buff. We need melt and vaporize to be nerfed so that they stop hogging the meta spot and making other characters and elements feel unworthy instead.

  13. When it comes to power creep you also need to look at a characters kit.
    Diluc relies on autos And faster autos E but requires Q which is a long animation for pyro infusion. His ult is split into 2 hits buts it’s aoe and more crowd control with pushing. Dragon striking is how he keeps up with Klee dps and his cons increase his speed but doesn’t outclass dragonstriking.
    Klee has no need for infusion and is auto attack focus but doesn’t have a 1 hit big ult. Cons increase all her aspects more hits , energy and even gives her an Q.
    Hu tao is our actuall pure focus dps like how ganyu is our first pure cryo character.

    Creators create more of that mentality than mihoyo. They hype characters up beyond realistic expectations. People just review dmg and call power creep without why a character can be replaced so easily due to their kit.

  14. At first, I totally disagree, but the point he made about how understanding this concept might actually be healthier for us players of the game, that made me rethink. Now seeing the intention of his message, I do agree very much. At the end of the day, we are all just trying to have fun and to not destroy our wallets ; it just makes so much more sense to prioritize these two.

  15. People need to focus more on who they have than who they don’t have that’s stronger and call it power creep. Content hasn’t gotten harder and you can’t replace your diluc with a character you don’t have.

    Also GReatsword users need better weapons. I want a talk about power creep with weapons in mind. A 4 star book can increase dmg by 96 % while having crit dmg while a greatsword 4 stars have similar dmg across the board.

  16. Amber gets power crept hard by Ganyu. They have almost identical skill/burst and are both charge shot focus, except Ganyu hits like a truck with little investment. while amber requires a crapton with vape. Yes, Ganyu is not pyro, but their kits are so similar I think you can call this a power creep.
    Diluc vs HuTao I wouldn't say Hu Tao outclasses Diluc, they have very different playstyles. Hu Tao is very charge attack focused and window of opportunity for dmg which a lot of people dislike, in addition, Hu Tao is far riskier since she is based around playing with less than 50% hp for maximum dmg. Diluc is a safer choice but not as high dmg which I believe is worth the trade-off

  17. Powercrepping is when the new character has better scaling, better constellation, better weapon choices (4 and 5 star ones) and overall better kit. When you compare standard banners DPS characters to newer 5-stars, there kit don’t help them to be in the same level of newer 5-star. They are less stronger but not to the extend of not passing abyss. You just need Indian luck in artifacts and getting the right buff during abyss run. However, difficult events like energy amplifier favors some characters that deals very high damage, burst nukers that the initial starters can’t do as they are more toward small consistent damage rather than big situational numbers.

  18. i think i will go mostly for 5* supports now. instead getting more op dps characters i will try to unleash the full potential of my main dps via best supports.

  19. I honestly don’t care if a character powercreeps or outclasses others. It’s my preference to play waifus and only waifus regardless of usability. If someone like Amber is useless or seen as obsolete, I will build her cuz she is precious. For the male characters, I’m not using any regardless of meta. Closing thoughts: waifu is love, waifu is life and as a f2p, powercreeping and outclassing means nothing tbh. Also, Ayaka will be mine, I’ve been saving primos for months.

  20. Ok, but u are not thinking in a long term, characters jumped from 200k burst DMG to 4M in like 3 months, imagine how much DMG will escalate from now on if this continues and how spiral abyss and newer content will demand higher DMG with it, at some point only newer characters will be able to complete anything in the game, i get it this is a PvE game in the end, but, let say I'm a Amber main and I want to play her because I like her and suddenly I can't because she's unable to complete any content even if i get her to her max potential, how is this good game development? DMG should not be the only incentive to pull for a character, this is just lazy character development and cheap, instead, a character need to be appealing and have interesting and newer mechanics, otherwise mihoyo is just building a metaslave community, not because u are one but because u need to.

  21. I just became a Diluc main. I don't want him to become obsolete. I don't care if there are new OP characters. I'm saving for electro archon because I have Zhongli (missed Venti for Qiqi 😡) and the archons are INSANE supports.

  22. Content makes characters obsolete, if I can clear all the content with Keqing, why does it matter another character could do it better? The reason qiqi and barbruh are obsolete past early to mid game is because they are actually fucking useless late game.

  23. A thing people tend to forget about is that value now =/= value later. By that means we would literally kill your economy, because there will always be better products for your money over time. This is also why we say that time=money. Depending on your patience, how much you play etc. a diluc now may have more value to you than a hutao in 3 months.

  24. If you buy the battle pass you are not F2P!!! In fact you are less so then some one who could drop 3hundred on a character and partake on the daily grind! Bp gives you 3x's the level up materials and 7 wishes(1 4* avg) a 4 * weapon which are better @r1 than all craft able and gacha 4*s with an exception to maybe the widsith! Mihoyo loves you guys more than whales ! 1 whale 1000 dollars for character! 1000 bp and welkin buyer's??? You do the math?

  25. IMO saying hu tao outclasses Diluc is a bit of a stretch, saying hu tao outclasses refers to her being OVERALL better than diluc which isn’t rly the case. I’m not saying that diluc is stronger that her bc he’s not but If you were to go to a domain or spiral without knowing what mobs r in it, diluc would be the safer options. Diluc now falls into the ‘jack of all trades’ category and imo having a unit that is good pretty much everywhere is better than a chara that is great somewhere but falls short somewhere else. Ppl who don’t actually have hu tao tend to forget that as good as her kit seems it has problems (cool down+stamina) and just focus on her numbers

  26. Yeah even though the newer units are power creeping that in no way makes the old units bad. They're just worse than the new, but not BAD on their own. Beidou is still a godlike dps even with the new characters, sure the new do it better, but this game ain't even hard enough to warrant wasting pity on new characters that'll do the job of your current dps a bit better. It's a waste of resources, primos and resin in the long run. I'd rather save for support character banners like Zhong because they'll be on your TEAMS not your ROSTER forever.

  27. HuTao out dmg Diluc or any pyro dps rn, so does Ganyu out dmg any cryo dps. But that doesn't mean older character is not "fun" to play.. i dare to say this because rn im leveling Xinyan to Lv80 as dps after getting her C2. Once Yoimiya is out im still getting her, because Shrine Maiden over meta..


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