Genshin Impact players are getting death threats for this…

Something is seriously wrong with a portion of Genshin Tik Tok, they are constantly doing terrible things like this.

Sauce by “YZTP”!
Kequing green screen by “Gtonero-Project”!


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28 thoughts on “Genshin Impact players are getting death threats for this…”

  1. I hate genshintwt. Or any twt. Or any fandom on any social media. Especially on places like Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Just let me like my thing in peace and stop making everything drama. Some people, I swear

  2. F2p I didn't complaint
    Ganyu on first 10 pull
    Got Klee by pitty
    Standard banner for Keqing but Atlas book and Dilluc instead

    Want luck and more power spent money then because they need profit too

    Atleast they're f2p friendly with pity system and 60 primogems for daily coms

  3. I ain't picking sides, but some are right but with bad ways to express themself

    There are so many five stars characters that reruns might take a long way before coming back.
    Also the pity system is trash and farming primogems it's not that easy since there's limited ways to get primogems

  4. i mean…i get jealous too of other whales easily getting the 5stars i wanted but goddamn even i dont stoop that low just for a bunch of pixels on a screen

  5. Im so mad at this, people are wayy too obsessed with this game like bruh, get a life.
    This gonna sound rlly mean and i know its bad but honestly if i was the person getting death threats for having a character that people want i would be trolling them even harder. Fucking cry about it. what are you gonna do?

    Sorry i just needed to vent.

  6. lmao how did they save since February and didn't get him with pity
    he could've pulled for at least 180 pulls
    they could've gotten him if they actually have saved or smth

  7. People are pathetic.
    I save for characters too, but it's just a game after all and if you REALLY want a character, then you need to save for them or get them in a re-run. Threathening people in the internet for your own faults is by far the dumbest thing I witnessed in the community.
    Well no, I experienced more, but oh well.

    I also don't think the 'I'm saving since February' is true. You'd be able to get him otherwise. I got Kazuha on TWO f2p accounts, because my sister wanted him really badly and I liked his style. I didn't save for that long either.
    Again, it's not others fault if you don't get them. ESPECIALLY if these people whaled for the character. They payed their own MONEY. They kinda deserve to have them, because they support Mihoyo that way, lol

  8. It's actually embarrassing to hear about people who are like that. I mean, I'm an embarrassment to my family, but these people here just take it to another fucking universe

  9. I didn’t get characters I wanted, for example, Childe and Zhongli, but did I send death threats? No. I was happy for the people who got them and wanted them, even though I didn’t get them. I’m actually pretty happy with who I got losing the 50/50 (Qiqi) because she is an excellent healer, and my characters are on life support 24/7. If someone wants to whale to get a C6 character they like? Let them do it. It’s their business not yours. They go show it off? Be happy for them. Don’t send death threats since you didn’t get the character. They will rerun. I promise.

  10. You should definitely do video about Kaeluc which is genshins most popular and apparently "problematic" ship just because when the pairing is between "brothers" which they're not and antis just send death threats to artists and people who ship it even after most of the Chinese players explained that the ship is unproblematic, because kaeya's and diluc's relationship is "sworn brothers" which has nothing to do with siblings.

  11. i got kazuha and like 4 of my closest friends blockedme for that, why is people so mad, maybe thats why he didnt come home cuz look at that attitude, you just dont deserve him(?


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