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[ more about genshin impact ]
players can explore the game’s large fantasy world, called teyvat, with over 25+ characters and various points of interest spread across the map. the game features an action combat playstyle that allows the player to swap between 4 individual characters in a party to quickly combo attacks. single-player gameplay is the focus of the game, with co-op mode available for certain activities.
each character has two unique combat skills: a normal skill and a special skill. the normal skill can be used at any time except for the cooldown period immediately after use, while the special skill has an energy cost, requiring the user to amass sufficient elemental energy first.
characters have control over one of seven natural elements: cryo, dendro, pyro, hydro, anemo, electro, and geo. cooking is another significant aspect of genshin impact’s gameplay. players gather many resources in the course of their adventure, some of which can be turned into dishes via cooking. some dishes regenerate characters’ health, while others boost attack or defensive abilities.
download here: https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en
i tried to translate them all :] there's a typo on qiqi's, it's supposed to say "what it looks like, i don't know,"
i couldn't find a solid translation for zhongli's :[ but i know it's not about wine… i'm sorry
EDIT: zhongli's translation is up!! have ccs on :]
Lisa do be racist tho
im so glad the jp one doesn't talk abt osmanthus wine cuz istg if says that word one more tiem imma—-
1:38 as a zhongli main,I'm tired of hearing this
0:42, 0:45
I have made a realization
Mona: *starving to death
Mona: This is destin……….
i'm shocked to learn that zhongli isn't talking about osmanthus wine
0:53 wagaranai
Literal Growling
Aether:help me find my sis-
Everyone:okok now become errand boy
Xiao's is just relatable to be honest😂😂😂
yall sleeping on 1:15
Tfw you realize Rosaria's eyes are as dead as Hachiman's
Qiqi : 0:53
Lumine : "Do tell us if you remember anything else that you don't remember"
Sass Lumine is best Lumine xD
As someone who plays with JP dub it's great to be able to finally understand what everyone is saying in their combat lines
Wait keqing and lisa has the same line-
Keqing should be: SOREYA
I have been lied to my entire life, Zhongli’s JP idle is not about Osmanthus wine
Once the snow is thick enough, we can eat it
I like how Xiao Sounds So Proud After He Growled
Also allow me to fix/add context to some of the translation:
Fischl: "At the paradise that was separated from another universe, I, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung (断罪の公女) will…"
Kaeya: "Freeze!!" (in 0.06sec)
Qiqi: "What it looks like, I don't know. Where it is, I don't know. Why it is there, I don't know."
Xinqiu: "Old Flower Handheld Fan! (古華扇)"
koitsu wa douda
Huh, where my Eula sneeze??
kaeya and keqing still fighting even on jp
i am way to familiar with mona's, yanfei, and zhongli's
Every single one of them take at most 2 sec… Meanwhile Hu Tao just does a solo karaeoke session….
Nothing beats Fischl complete biography explanation tho
U smell good
A h a h a h a SaYoNaRaa~
Isn't it "SOReYA" for Keqing