Genshin Impact – Noelle 10,000 Attack Stat

Man this took so long to do.

I was in desperate need of mora and I still needed to level up my Bennett’s talents and I also had to farm good defenders will artifacts to increase Noelle’s defense to get a higher attack stat.
If my whiteblind wasnt R5, I don’t think I would’ve broke a 10k attack stat so I’m grateful to have been so lucky to have one.
Also, my Bennett is only C4, if he was C5 my Noelle’s attack stat would have been higher.

#Noelle #NoelleSupremacy #Genshin #GenshinImpact


39 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – Noelle 10,000 Attack Stat”

  1. Again I want to shout out Mickael for helping me get a 10,000 attack stat.

    By following his method, I would first use Def% artifacts then use Guoba buff, Bennett buff, and then using the thrilling tales of dragon slayers. Then, I cast Noelle’s burst and defeat the enemy. After that I switch to Atk% artifacts(2P Gladiator recommended) and that should increase my attack even further.
    Obviously you need a C6 Noelle to try this but keep in mind that my Whiteblind is R5.

  2. Appreciate your love for Noelle but… stacking atk stat is not what I am really looking for. I would like to see the highest dps from Noelle instead.

  3. so could it be utilized within the burst time? I thought the burst said convert noelle defense to attack, so when you switch to atk stat the def stat is removed.


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