Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!
Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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Hu Tao: Saves someone from dying.
The Fandom: I'm going to pretend I didn't see that.
The thumbnail makes me want to start shipping them
everyone: the new cat girl will be a geo so it’s miss Hina!!!
Me:omg miss hina?? *grinds for hours*
Some days later:
Everyone: she’s dendro and she transforms into a cat box
Me: *oh no*
2 days later
80k primos saved up for her
Jialiang : becomes a zombie
Hu tao : "This is getting out of hands, now there are two of them."
I'm just here for that travelers meet trailblazers meme
Everyone: Protesting about no Eula rerun
Me: Yeah! Give us Eula!
Some Eula Wanter: Hey, didn't you hate Psysical Damage?
Me: I just like her *ss.
Everyone: HE'S ONE OF US
Hot 5 star waifus who have trouble killing a hydro slime
WoW quests is such a chad, what would I have been doing without them…
because, after witnessing it….
they have forgotten emotion
Bro the one where we get to choose main stat killed me so badly inside. I only grind artifacts for set bonuses and alright subs for the character I'm building in the moment but I ain't going to go through artifact hell for mid/max until hoyo stop jerking their new game and go back and improve the one that was released 2-3 years ago with reasonable QOF that can be added.
P.S if you know who to blame for these decisions let me know because I pretty sure the people who actually worked on the game and read the feedback wouldn't be that much of a**holes.
: comments anything under #GIM
Smerrey: putintothevideoputintothevideoputintothevideo
Bro's cheating
Dehya Mains: You will never Understand my pain:
Amber Mains: Sorry…Sorry
Blue flames: epico
Normal flames: boring and stupid
6:24 sixth time getting featured?!! Speechless.
It is always the Xiao main.
Traveler first meet Amber to get escorted
While Trailblazer meet Dan Heng and almost get kissed by him.
Traveler: THIS IS NOT FAIR!!!
1:26 I can’t be the only one who watches that one Xiao main’s video tutorials right (they’re such a life saver go so them some love for figuring out everything)
Genshin new update
Me: sand! Theres too much sand!!!!
Tighnari: do you know who ate my cabbages?
Cyno: cyno
Tighnari: sigh* you owe me some cabbagea ok?
Cyno: don't you get it? Sigh* no? Cyno?
POv me after Traveller ask to the Archon infoabout his sibling :
Fuck you (point Venti)
Fuck you (point Zhongli)
Fuck you (point Ei)
You cool (point Nahida
Fuck you a lot (point Unknown God)
Me:Hope Aether doesn't get killed off in the end of Genshin Impact
Hoyoverse:oh i do think so
Daily reminder people!!! Caelus and Stelle are the same people but different gender!!