Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!

Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
Watch until the end to find out if your comment from the last video got featured!
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► Memes sauce: r/Genshin_Memepact/
► BackGround Music: Dizzy by Joakim Karud

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24 thoughts on “GENSHIN IMPACT MEMES #820”

  1. Some of those at the end were rly nice.
    Collei as Lumine looks good.
    The next 2 are just ok.
    Yanfei looks awsome in the outfit.
    And then the next one that works rly well for me, is Ayaka as Lumine.

  2. #GIM
    Cyno:”looks left and right in the middle of the desert”
    Candace:What are you doing?
    Cyno:just double checking if he’s nearby
    Candace:who he?
    Cyno:never mind anyways would you like to hear a joke?
    Candace:sure but do I even have a choice
    Cyno:what is it called when you see a hairbinger eating?
    Candace:huh I actually get it

    Meanwhile in sumeru’s jungle
    Collei:Mr. Tighari where are going all of the sudden?
    Tighnari:”mounting wanderer like house” I hear Cyno’s joke and I know what I must do

  3. 1:02 THIS LITERALLY HAPPENED ON MY FIRST ALT ACC and I thought of Speedrunning to Inuzuma just to get their mats….
    Thats when i just decided to use Bennett since he was a rate up during the last Eula banner rerun

  4. #GIM
    Me: spending money to get Shenhe – 90 pity Diluc
    My friend with 10 wishes that they saved: Ayaka at 75 pity and Shenhe at 3 pity
    Me: guess we know who the favorite is..

  5. Traveler and Paimon: Oh cool, heres rana! We’re gonna take her with us and take her home now, right?
    Aranara: …
    Traveler and Paimon: We’re gonna take her with us and take her home now… right?
    Aranara: * gives us a giant world quest no one wants to do instead *


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