Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!
Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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In case some of u didnt know u can skip wolf lord's animation
by spinning with any claymore chara while pressing start it skips the animation
Newbie players: "getting a bit sad after knowing Timmie's dad is gone and is getting sad when his pigeons are gone"
Pro or even endgame players: starts murdering them with no mercy
Ah yes, klee, the deadliest 10-year-old
Also, 4:51 is just klee explaining how the artifacts work.
#GIM How people see kokomi then you're weak then vs how they see her now she's a god
1:58 i felt that.
Childe from genshin 🤝 colt from aot
*best onii-chan*
1:09 100% kokomi is hydro archon
If your Kaeya can
Use Cryo attacks
Generate Cryo crystals to float around him
Create a Cryo shield
Is from Khaenri'ah
Then that's not your Kaeya, that's a cryo abyss mage
Ayato: drinks boba tea from a plastic cup
Me: So not even Teyvat can escape from environmental damage.
oh my god this person is so lucky to be featured on the channel so many times ngl-
Ellin: How can I smash all these training dummies at once?
plunges off of a tower and diesEllin: Thanks! I'm gonna try it myself now.
Legends say that Ellin was never seen again
Keqing mains: anger
Am… Why Diluc is Kulu Yaku (Annoying bird)?
Like, Fischl – yes. Klee as Bazelgeus – yes…
BREAKING NEWS man literally kills the electro archon with a dull blade and died 6 times- KEEPS COMING BACK!!! (MAN LITERALLY TOO WOKE TO DIE)
Genshin fan: Ugh, grinding for artifacts sucks!
Monster Hunter fan: Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch, for I was there when it was written
How tf do they already know that yelan has a gambling addiction?
Me after my genshin meme got 2 likes even though it did not get featured
Happiness +1000
The last one be like : 160 wishes for primogems
Naming my self vengeance, so i can be yours eula♥
People with c6 Barbara
Me with c0, barbra and are 56 real s##t
Raiden puppet: I- E-EROR 404
0:10 memory unlocked
Raiden's Betrayed Puppet seeing raiden:
Oh its you. it's been a loooong time, how have you been?
I've been really busy being dead.. You know, *after you abandoned me*.