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BG Music: ☆ Dizzy by Joakim Karud ☆
Memes source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/
#GIM #GenshinImpactMemes #GenshinMemepact
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(Albedo's new weapon came out.)
Harbinger of dawn: I surpose to be the superior one!
Cinnabar Spindle: But I am, superior…
Bennett: actually gets lucky for once
"Now this is an avengers level threat"
Rosaria: I saw Albedo poison Aether, he is the impostor
Eula: I saw Albedo try throw Joel, He is the impostor
Albedo: Dang it
I have 1000 egs
durin: hey
albedo: hey
albedo: WHAT
Well, I haven't been playing yet last year, but did genshin have any celebrations for Christmas? I don't think so
how to spot out a fake genshin fan 101:
say “yeah my aloys c6”
ok you’re done.
6:45 Ningguang: is the richest person in teyvat
Childe: Ehe
Not a single Soul:
#1 2:39
#2 3:34
#3 4:00
#4 4:26
#5 6:01
Mihoyo: How enthusiastic can you voice Arrataki Itto?
Max Mittelman: YES.
PS: Respect the awesome VAs!
How the Hell is Ningguang Not at the TOP of that "How rich are they" tier List? How the Hell is Childe in the Category above her? Ningguang's Core character Trait is that she is Literally THE Richest Person in the world, Yes, even Richer than ANY of the Archons, Including Morax who can MAKE Money on a whim! She's the Richest Person in Liyue, which is the Richest Country in the world, and She Literally Writes the Laws for that Country. She can Practically print her own Money at this point and decide if it will cause inflation or not… Like I get that Tartaglia has a Lot of disposable Income from being a Fatui Harbinger, but he's not "how much for that country" Rich the way Ningguang is!
You haven't leveled up your Hu Tao because you don't like her personality.
I haven't leveled up my Hu Tao because I don't like how she ruined my pity.
We are not the same.
As a kokomi main i hate getting crit☠
I saw this one before…
On R34
Well we all know where this is going so let's skip this part
albedo come home please
2:17 now show the other panel to this comic
0:50 who tf hates Baron Bunny
Other players : dammit another ocean-hued clam with 2hp roll
Kokomi mains : its real free estate
Lumine : Whe are done with dont having freemogems comrades pick your torches whe gonna invade mihoyo
f2p players : * screaming noises *
Me: wants Eula
Banner is albedo and eula
Me: maybe if i save a bit more-
Shenhe is announced
Me: you mother-
7:03 Fake list we know that Bennet would be poor or sustained by others
Wait isnt ning richer than childe tho. Like i thought it said she was the richest person in all of teyvat.
Shenhe ain’t even released yet and we already gave her a personality 😀
5:08 not gonna lie that looks clean 👌
5:30 yes
incoming zhongli re ru-
me: I will have zhongli
Xingqiu: and my boyfriend
Meanwhile xiangling hu tao chongyun and everyone else in liyue:NANI?!
Chongyun : dies
0:56 sooo true.
5:09 YOOOO, those Dainslief palette swaps are sick!
Mondstat: We have Timmie and his pigeons who are always getting killed.
Liyue: We have Qiqi, who's a playable 5 star character and has a sad story.
Liyue & Mondstat: Who said that?
Inazuma, holding Ruu's feather: AMATEURS!
Komoki" guess im pretty average in wealth running a island"