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BG Music: ☆ Dizzy by Joakim Karud ☆
Memes source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/
#GIM #GenshinImpactMemes #GenshinMemepact
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Pc and mobile players:waiting for aloy
Ps players who already got her:I am 4 parallel universes ahead of you.
Pc players:Omg i finally got Aloy i wonder what she can do?
Ps4/5 players that got Aloy at ver. 2.1:Its my time to shine,my time to flex
Signora: dies
Childe: becoming 10th Fatui Harbinger Upgrade Speedboat Upgrade!
0:26 :Keking:
Community: thinks Sara is a lesbian and in love with Raiden Shogun
Also Community: thinks Sara is straight and in love with Itto
Me: Knows about the bisexual bob haircut trope
Tsurumi island: exists
Me, having Metal Gear Solid 5 flashbacks, while playing it's story quest:
Quest day 1: Boss, that mist is all around you, we can't see through it
DAY 23 OF ASKING SMERREY tobput me in a vid even tho its not a meme(Missed like 3 days;_;)
me: "skips reading the story
also me: takes time reading in Lisa's "date"
6:47 Pan or bi…
Everyone- Doing Raiden Quest
Me- Not continuing with raiden's story quest so that my yae miko is infront of the sakura at all times
7:40 killed me
People : Hating on the wolf enemy
Me who has 2 healers is my party : You guys are having trouble fighting it?
Actually if you give Itto the same shoes as Zhongli, he isn't taller at all… So Zhongli still remains the Geo Daddy
I shall ignore Childe to put the ship into my team
#1 0:01
#2 5:23
#3 6:04
#4 7:29
sauce for the lisa and mona "meme"
6:58–7:17 I think they'll be a good family
I too wanted Ningguang to be my mother
The players: it's Hu tao rerun next for sure
Mihoyo: here's another rerun of Childe
The players: so you have chosen death
Razor is not the dog of the electro family
The electro family are dogs for razor…
(i am not a razor main I just found it on discord)
1:36 you should've put the song audio like what you did in "Bury the Light" memes XD
During khaenri'ah war:
Archons discusing strategies in last days.
Dendro archon:Forget this…Dendrooooo!!!
Other archons: Save him!
After battle results.
Electro archon Makoto dies.
Dendtro archon dies.
Cryo archon: I think i'll quit painting.
Kanjou Commission samurai who joined the Fatui: So when do we get to contribute to the cause?
Pierrot, who’s going to use them as test subjects: That’s the neat part, you don’t.
Her: he’s probably thinking of other girls
Him: would the story quest for Itto gonna be like he actually try to chase Sara across the entire Inazuma?
6!14 why tf are kazuha and jean in the pyro section?
schwachsinniger Wahnsinniger
6:45 wait is that kazuha and jean in pyro family?
6:45 jean and diluc are motivated lol
6:44 wait… Why Jean and Kazuha (both Anemo users) on Pyro photograph?
1:41 A fellow devil of culture
The genshin marketing team is so bad
06:44 I wish im Razor
6:40 why are Kazuha and Jean in the fire element portrait
I swear aloy’s burst is used more than her skill
Itto laugh and smile must be like Rengoku for real I need this
6:44 ah yes, Jean is pyro
anyone gonna ignore Aloy at 6:44 ?
No need for jean to be in the Pyro family. 🤣
The one with league of legends lmao!
I’d trade my Mona for Diluc…