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BG Music: ☆ Dizzy by Joakim Karud ☆
Memes source:

#GIM #GenshinImpactMemes #GenshinMemepact


46 thoughts on “GENSHIN IMPACT MEMES #223”

  1. #GIM
    Players: taking their time to choose dialogue options in a character’s story
    Meanwhile Mihoyo making the reply of every choice the same: Do you have any idea of how little that narrows it down?

  2. I want to thank you for the mask memes. As someone who waited a week before going to inazuma, now i know what not to do.
    Also letting me prepare myself emotionaly for that quest or whatever it will be

  3. #GIM

    Baal: Bars characters with Visions from using their elemental abilities.

    Traveler, glaring at Zhongli and Venti: Get your asses in gear, you lazy shits!

    Venti: "Don't need to. Bow users are immune!"

    Baal, next to a Ganyu aimed shot point-blank range at her head: "…. Shit…."

  4. #GIM
    Reasons why you should pull for yae miko
    She’s cute
    Because she’s just the same person but in an alternate universe
    To cleanse the sins of you using kazari’s mask to make a catalyst that only works for her

  5. #GIM

    Her: He’s probably thinking about other women.
    Him: if the resistance’s leader is a hydro vision wielder, and the shogun’s is electro, how come the resistance hasn’t been wiped out yet?

  6. #GIM
    Me who uses Amber because she’s very useful when fighting ruin guards
    My neglected Kaeya and Lisa wait for me to use them because I use Amber who’s a starter character: Why are we here, just to suffer


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