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BG Music: Dizzy by Joakim Karud
Majority of the memes in this video were made by the talented memers at:
#GIM #GenshinImpactMemes #GenshinMemepact
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People making fun of Barbatos:HAHA
Venti in the corner:…
Zonghli:ThIS iS oRdEr
Jean:sees Klee fish blasting*
Klee:*panics in German*
Ganyu: I am lonely because I am half illuminated beast:(
Yanfei: Am I a joke to you!?
Mihoyo: Noelle hangout part 2
Me: What about Xinya-
Yanfei: Let me introduce you to my one true love..
Eula: * excitement *
Yanfei: TOFU !!!!!
Childe: receives his delusion
Tsaritsa: looks at him
Childe: (°◡°♡)
⊗ Achievement Unlocked: Simp
someone: ningguang's burst should be dropping a jade palace, change my mind
me: do you now how long it takes to build 1 jade palace? like at least 4+ updates
Literally nobody:
Yanfei: STOP! You violated the law
Venti banner: Exists
Jean: Our banner.
Why ningguang’s subordinates r 5* but she is 4*?
Ningguang: i dropped my power on tartaglia
Diluc: good your not busy-
keaya: actually i am busy.
50 abyss mages
idk if it’s even funny or not lol
Scaramouche during the 1.1 event: The sky, the stars…it’s all just a giant hoax, a lie
Mona, who dedicated her life to astrology:🧍♀️
(I’m not sure if this hasn’t been done before)
what anime is the scene at 1:45 from? I see a lot of memes of it but was never able to find it
saw the meme from 1:19 a couple of times, still don't get it. can somebody explain, please? Is it the health bar, or what?
Maann… I had almost every major reveal and death in Naruto spoiled for me already, EXCEPT FOR OBITO, I did not think this was how I was going to be spoiled…
(I am currently at Naruto VS the Undead Jinchuriki btw)
3:10 edit proposal: ninguang has a once a week (if wanted) attack skill where her basic attack does a (half of your current total mora)% attack boost, and expends half of your mora.
I just click on this video and get a Yanfei ad
So if the final boss is gonna be timmie and jin, i wont be surprised.
1:44 literally me 😂😂😂
Fan fact . I don't kill Tommy's birds
Damn, Ganyu be giving me and the boys some cheat codes…
"How I sleep thinking I am not addicted to genshin impact"
Wait…you guys sleep?
The amount of Childe memes is making me happy
Wait when tf did albedos hair get nerfed
1:20 Wait I dont get this
Makaa CHOP!
can someone explain 1:18 ?
1:19 ?? What ?????? I don't get it
Me use x10 summon on Childe banner :calm
Gets a purple character : is ok at least is razor and am ftp
Use single summon bc am board GETS A LENGEDARY WISH : FK PANIC
I’m the scary AR 56 who just wants to help you or use your world to help me get an achievement. If you let me do my thing then I show you where lots of precious and luxurious chests are.
Me: •-•
I'm gonna make people that didn't get Yanfei jealous or whatever,
i got her at only a few single pulls 🙂
Me, looks at thumbnail: Starts crying knowing I'll never get Yanfei even fi she's a 4-star
Haha jokes on you I don’t kill the pigeons
Barbara: Rosie please show up for church without ciggies!
Rosaria: *freezes Barbara