"Genshin Impact Is Better Than Wuthering Waves In Every Way"

𝗧π—ͺπ—œπ—§π—–π—› | https://www.twitch.tv/tectone

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47 thoughts on “"Genshin Impact Is Better Than Wuthering Waves In Every Way"”

  1. Genshin is like 4 years old while wuwa is just 4 days old (not counting pre launch)
    and its understandable that wuwa has more issues but the devs are working hard to fix them (hotfixes)
    meanwhile genshin devs just refused to fix other issues and left them even after years of it still existing
    Genshin has the longest running issue that are not getting fixed any time soon
    Wuwa has many issues that are being fixed currently

    which do u think is worse :v

  2. Short reminder, a while back I hit u up about genshin literally taking 4-5 months to fix my IP not being able to update the game or download the game at all and once they did, there was no compensation for the amount of time I lost

  3. neither game even plays at 120 FPS… even wuwa had it to lure players then decided to take it away, and when they give it back, they will just take it away at a whim. These games are stupid, low tech. And you fly like you're a snail. Moronic game design for hentai lovers.

  4. If great story and great characters could carry game to the top of popularity, then GFL1 would have to be the most popular game. But it isn't. Unfortunately.

    Games become popular when they bring something new, or something made much better then anyone did before.

    For genshin it was – first rather big action game on mobile. The fact that anyone could launch full 3d action game on mobile was mindblowing at that time.

    HSR became successful because it's literally what FGO 2.0 has to look like, and FGO was one of the most popular games on phones for years with quite a big audience. Throught I don't agree about HSR and GI story been good. TL;DR story for the most part is predictible and extremely low on unexpected twists, only way to make player empathize character is pressing for tears, 'coz "look what a poor and unfortunate character, they were made like this!", and in general main story is rather bad at following the basics of "plot, build-up, culmination, the end", and the worst is that whole feeling of the plot is like reading modern diluted fairytale ofr kids.

    WuWa may flop for big audience, but it's unlikely that in would die. Core audience will stay the same way it happenned with PGR.
    For now Kuro have to blame themself for launching game too early. In my opinion they should have worked on polishing for 3-4 month more to polish things.

  5. Thats cap, Genshin was praised how it was great at launch with very minor bugs in all platforms. The cope is insane. But it doesn't matter because as always in a few months, maybe 1 year wuthering waves will fall same way TOF did.

  6. i just saw the twitch numbers as of right now and i know genshin normally has upwards to 5-10k viewers. But wuwa has 30k+ viewers. also most of the popular games on twitch are at 100k+. what is bro yapping about when he says 200k+?

  7. "at least genshin has a focus"

    Genshin is one of the most unfocused games I have ever played. Genshin said f*ck the main quest and goes around collecting nirnroot instead of fighting Alduin.

  8. Just to make this clear, I’m not a defender of WuWa nor Genshin. I like both games and I play both games everyday.

    But Tectone is just straight up lying when he says β€œhe only skipped the story because he already experienced it in the beta test”. From what he says, he claims to skip the story because he’s only experienced it from the start to around the moment when he meets Scar…

    But then, you see him in the Acts AFTER that encounter literally SKIPPING the story content when it has a skipping option. So Tectone’s just straight up lying, lol.
    You want proof? Look at the moment he enters the Grand Library (the place where he has to ring the five bells). He literally skips the dialogue at the start before you even do the puzzle.

    Not only that. Since he keeps the story on auto play, he literally misses out on the story dialogue whenever he opens up X/Twitter to look up other people’s posts. I’m not calling Tectone a hypocrite or anything… but he ought to practice what he preaches. If you can’t follow through on what you say, then don’t say it at all. That makes you a liar.

  9. It is funny, Techtone had a lot of routes he could have gone to shut down this fake lol. Also does the fake even play games? In the sad state of current gaming, MANY GAMES get released in poor shape and still do well. Yea bugs and optimization issues are a problem, it is how well the devs can handle such issues and how fast they can address them. It's only been a few days. Also ToF as much as people want to say it is dead, no, it still makes a ton of money in China. WuWa doesn't need to make Genshin/HSR kinds of money to be successful. This guy doesn't define what success or failure is. PGR is successful desptite it being known as "the best gatcha game no one has ever heard of".Techtone has many times in the past say it doesn't need Hoyo type success. Also Techtone is right, they can rewrite and change voice lines, case in point Destiny literally changed Ghost's voice actor cause many felt that Peter Dinklage's performance was bad. Fake is also wrong about story and characters needed to successful. PGR's story from what I know isn't exactly that great and doesn't have a ton of focus on. People who like PGR praise its gameplay. Like I said in the beginning, Techtone had a lot of routes to shut this guy down due to how bad the fake's arguments were lol.

  10. Genshin fan boys are trying to cope with the fact they spend time and money into that game, pathetic 🀣. God forbid some game is better than theirs, cuz then it would make all those things irrelevant.

  11. Shut up Tectone, Nikke destroyed Genshin, Star Rail too and Now WW does also the same. Wanna hear a joke you guys supported Genshin and got shit for it. making most money dont mean its the best. Look at pokemon its trash and i was competitive for like 12 Years lol.
    Pls cry louder πŸ˜‚

  12. You know what, if you talk all the matter is the story of the game, dont you know that people can just watch the story via other app for example youtube, now i quit play it and just only take a look of the story from video of youtuber and until now all i feel is the story not too focus to the mc(and i dont its bad) but its way too long for the mc to actually get developement

    why i quit? I dont enjoy the combat style and exploration in genshin cause it's too slow in every way. For combat u need is high damage and boom enemy die, the fck? For me is not always about damages but then fun while play it, and for me i cant feel it from genshin.

    Now back again if we talk about combatstyle, for me it just cant get enough by only watching it, i want to taste it by myself. And in Wuthering Waves i enjoy the story.

    Conclusion from me in game
    Combat is more important than a story. When the story u just have to read it watch it or listen it. The combat u can feel the thrill the frustrated and the satisfied when u finally kill hard enemy with actual combat combo not just nuke damage

  13. The funny part is despite epople praising the story of genshin, me as a day 1 player that hasnt skipped a single bit of story, nah, the games story isnt that great, and no, all the story that is HIDDEN in fkavor text and artifact / item descriptions isnt story, that is the lore and like i said, its hidden, so doing the regular story content you wouldnt see that at all…

  14. Tecton3 is just a sad little crab in a bucket. He wants to pull all the other crabs back into the bucket with him instead of escaping to better things.

  15. The difference between HoYoverse is simple… HoYoverse is extremely minimal on anything updated and/or given away for free because if they did, then they would have to always give more and more (Look at Honkai Star Rail, they gave out so much more than Genshin already and it's the same damn company, but Genshin is Dawei's child… The rest are step children that spawned from it, even if Honkai Impact isn't as popular.)


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