Genshin Impact is a Playable Anime | Maxor Reaction

Maxor Time!!

Genshin Impact is a Playable Anime:

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43 thoughts on “Genshin Impact is a Playable Anime | Maxor Reaction”

  1. Answer to the question of the day is yes. Got black out drunk with friends, found a duck in the bathtub the next morning. Don't worry we didn't harm it and drove it back to the site where we were the night before. Fly high Donald.

  2. Not gonna lie, all jokes aside he is right, mondstat is basically a tutorial region, it's small, enemies are weaker, simpler and more forgiving, while Sumeru is a land of knowledge where we got bombarded with ton of lore and epic enemies, such as Scaramouch in meka gear…. wait who's scaramouche

    P.s. I'd like to see you try this game at one point, just so you could experience this amazing world and amazing music

  3. Luckily the company handled the voice actor situation well, the director responded the next day afte the info came out and the company fired him a week later. Dude got his first big role and immediately used yhe fame to do awful stuff

  4. You can steal a duck. I live in a rural area, and daily I cross some animals, chickens, sheeps, ducks and gooses. Once there was a pig just chilling on the route. It's quite dangerous sometimes, some people have hit a horse with their cars, it's quite the problem. Going back to the steeling, it was and it is quite common, someone steals a lamb or a calf (didn't know that word on english, you learn something everyday) to cook it, make some asado with it, or to sell it. Some people steal animals to sell it to or someone for a cheap price. It will be quite simple to steal chickens over here, there just escape their place and chill on the street. My dog has killed some chickens, they get on my family orchard and make a mess, so I don't teel anybody, beacuse at the end the chicken owners still blame you for that. Anyway, I see chickens going more freely than ducks or gooses, but it is posible to steal one, I don't do that, somebody could find out and there is gonna be a mess, tiny town big hell they say.
    Like Mark Twain said, if you're gonna do someting bad, make it right, so, if you steal a duck or something eat it, get rid of the evidence quickly.
    Story that one professor told us once, he had a pizza place time ago, and one night at 3am he wakes up for a phone call, is the police, one of his employees was caught stealing a calf. Why they call him? Because the calf was on the trunk of the car they used to deliver the pizzas.
    Sorry for the long text, I wanna practice my english a little, have a nice one.

  5. I really had to triple check those last words because you said "I like to drown people in the Sims" but I heard "I like to drown people in sinks." I should have known better though because you are a much more creative murderer than that. 😏🤫

  6. I've been playing this game since December of 2021. It's a Gacha game with over 50 playable characters and more still being added. Getting these characters are just about luck of the draw. I play casually about once a week. I speed read, so I skip most of the dialogue, which allowed me to get through most of the content up until recently. It's pretty fun, but a lot of the tasks can get repetitive. The story and lore are pretty entertaining. Honestly has some really tragic and cool lore mixed in for such lighthearted gameplay. I'm a f2p player, so I don't spend money on the game, which means that I don't have as many of the strong characters as the people who pay have. But all those extremely strong characters aren't necessary. I still have 32 of the current 62 playable characters, and the 4 I exclusively use get the job done. I play on an HD gaming laptop, so the colors and graphics are always great, which are what got me to play in the first place. The exploration is amazing, and it's packed with a ton of content, way too much for a free game. The things I don't like are the luck-based aspects of getting gear for characters, and some of the grindy aspects required to level up characters. I recommend people play it, but only casually. A lot of people get addicted to this game. Genshin streamers on twitch get tons of views, which goes to show the games popularity. But I think everyone should try and play it once to see if they'd like it themselves or not.

  7. I'm sure it's a good game and what not but I REFUSE to play this game because of the gacha. Like you have to spend money or grind days just to pull a character and it's not even guaranteed.

  8. There is a storyline; there had to be. While many people feel it outgrew its very early reputation as a pure Breath of the Wild ripoff in the making by adding the elemental reaction system (which along with standard gacha systems dramatically adjusted the game balance and play cycle), I think it's more important the developers realized that Breath of the Wild wouldn't have been that great without decades of Zelda games to draw on for setting, history and characters. So to make a good ripoff, they had to do the work of creating their own rich world with an extensive history and deep lore to set their own game in. They did. There's a lot already here, and the storyline so far features an uncertain number of factions, none of whom are playing the same game for the same stakes, and we're not really sure who the good guys are. We are sure there are people who are definitely assholes even if they're potentially right. Not only does every playable character have their own backstory and place in the world (probably excepting Aloy, but I'm not ready to comment on that until it's more certain whether two other characters are running two or four simultanously coexisting storylines), but you can assume every NPC with a name has family, friends and in some way has affected the world around them.

    If you want a non-spoilery, more detailed and less meme-y video on this game, I'd suggest Necrit's review on YouTube.

  9. Maxor's editing is genuinely unwatchable at this point. The frequency of the cuts and the constant zooming and split second memes are too much for any normal human to process, which turns it into an absolute mess. Sensory overload is not a good thing when you're trying to convey any information.

  10. My high school had a park across the street with ponds and a river some people stole a few ducks, swans, chickens, carps, and a few alligators which turned out to be city property.

  11. I kinda hope that you're gonna play it one time. As a completely F2P player, you don't have to spend money to play the game. You only spend money to upgrade the characters and even then it's fully unnecessary.

  12. Genshin_impact story is good but not the best. A lot of the chinese style of how they make their entertainment slows it down very dialogue heavy and too many non voiced dialogue. A lot of Chinese games played are has these issues.

  13. You have no idea how hard it was to find your channel. I watched it back when you were reacting to JoJo, now I tried to search for your channel with all kinds of names I can think of, but I can't find it no matter what, I had luck that one of your videos was accidentally in a playlist of self improvement (don't ask me why lmao)

  14. You can probably steal a duck. But it'd be easier if you gain their trust with bread. So you'll have to spend time with them before you 'adopt' them

    Its funny cause the entire world is nice colorful and beautiful, but theres one big ass problem in every place. Imagine living in paradise like hawaii, but theres a literal portal to hell thats just a 5 minute walk from your house

  15. You can field a team of up to 4 characters. If one of them gets killed, the next one swaps in, which is handy unless you're slidiing down an incredibly steep hill with multiple stopping points. I lost 3 characters this way, and only let it happen because I couldn't believe it could happen. If all your characters get KO'd, then your team respawns at the nearest teleport point at half health.

    Ah yes, the Hu Tao rap. One demonstration of how weird the voice talent agency Mihoyo uses can be. They borked the pacing on the EN dub, and only the EN dub. KR is fine. JP and CN are better. But the EN… well, thankfully that was the 3rd Lantern Rite limited event, and they never come back exactly the same. For ma immersion, when I'm in Liyue I play with the CN dub, so I didn't hear the bad EN version until I looked up the other versions on YT. Unfortunately there aren't any Arabic languages to use in Sumeru. So I use KR instead, since I've nowhere else to use it yet, even though doing so means I won't recognize Nahida's voice actor.

    Yes, Nahida has been watching the Traveler for awhile. This started during Fischl's Bizarre Summer Adventure, which was another limited-time event that will never return. It was at this time that it was revealed that she (Nahida) has power over dreams.

  16. Every time QB uploads a Maxor reaction, I know I'm going to end up rewinding it once or twice to hear her laugh.
    Also, the way her face became haunted for a good minute upon reading about that one Voice Actor…oof.


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