Genshin Impact – HyperRaiden Team taking down 2.7 Spiral Abyss Maguu Kenki in 1min #2 #shorts

2.7 Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Chamber 3 Lower Half Maguu Kenki in 1min
原神 – 雷神雷傷隊1分鐘內把2.7深淵魔偶剣鬼拉倒

Full run here! 全片


34 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – HyperRaiden Team taking down 2.7 Spiral Abyss Maguu Kenki in 1min #2 #shorts”

  1. Hey, that's my team. I called it Shogun Hyper-carry.
    The main idea is that all the resources goes for Shogun. All the characters needed high ER and support/buffer building.
    I used Bennett with a lot of hp to heal quickly, Sara to quickly charge Shogun ambitions wheel; and Sucrose to lower electro resistance with Viridescent Venerer set, crow control so shogun don't have to chase opponents, and Favonius Codex to generate even more particles for the wheel.

  2. i noticed you only sucrose q during the second phase rotation, vv res shred only procs when the holder is on-field, and since sucrose was switched out before she swirls, you didn't get the res shred

  3. I like the fact that there's so many spiral lvl 98 mangu vids out there can it shows them trashing the boss but then normal players don't even bother reaching the last stages 🙂

    We just there for the 60 primogems in the first stage

  4. I have a question for anyone to solve does anyone know a good main Dps Ganyu build it can me melt or freeze I just really need to know 😭


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