Genshin Impact Fanboy Criticizes Wuthering Waves…

Tenha decided to post his opinion on Wuthering Waves and things didn’t really work out the way he expected
Let’s break it downgood together ol’ reaction style 😛

Original Video:


32 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Fanboy Criticizes Wuthering Waves…”

  1. I play on my phone when I don't feel like playing the game just to do dailies and logout
    The bosses in WUWA are not that hard and when you have the option to lock on your target there will be no problem for mobile players just look at PGR everyone says that combat on mobile is better

  2. One thing he said that bothered me was that the music was not that memorable unlike the Dawn Winery and the other place. Of course you recognize those songs bro! you listened to them for 3 years straight! Meanwhile in the start of the video he said it was his second day playing Wuthering Waves, your ears are still getting used to the new songs 😂

  3. I can't take a single Genshin content creator's takes seriously at all after the big Genshin world Crisis happened.

    These people every single one of the Toxic positive CC's never spoke a single thing about Genshin. But now they are starting to speak up which makes you think that they over came the problems but no. Only a few right takes and ohters are like the purest bullshit you will ever find.

  4. I think the game is okay and im damn sure the dev team will really work up on the ui cause im damn sure there will be major ui changes before they release. Also its wayy better for them to criticize the game than praise them too much in a cbt (as long as it isnt mindless ) because i think the wuwa dev team does really care about the community and they're open for good feedback i think so idm

  5. Its so funny that all the genshin fence sitter's Wuthering waves videos are like ohh this game is amazing But …. ( And proceeding to not provide any genuine criticism ) . Like bruh where Your "But" when it comes to Genshin

  6. i mean… he definitely has an opinion. but he trashed A BETA GAME and compared it to genshin way more than actually criticizing the game. truly hate genshin ccs very much rn why they gotta be so problematic and insane 💀

  7. This is genshin minigame…. i was like dude that mode is pretty much 2D platformer that feels like metroidvania camera works…if anything we can say genshin copies everything too. So uneducated

  8. all of these wouldn't ever happened if Epic Seven disowned him from their own gaming platform
    Guess he's beginning to be way too comfortable ever since playing Genshin and his brain cannot fathom competitiveness anymore


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