Genshin Impact Devs Begged Me Not To Quit:

As Soon as I made a video about Genshin Impacts End game, I was gifted a brand new Tighnari on my F2PGod account. Is this a coincidence? I THINK NOT! #genshinimpact #genshin


29 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Devs Begged Me Not To Quit:”

  1. I've been playing genshin since January 2022 and its my favourite game of all time the thing which got playing this game is the combat and the visuals I'm a F2P and now my character are too powerful that i can kill any mob with just a single rotation. I got bored that all these powerful 35+ CV artifact for what if i can't have any fun in combat the game is now too easy for me and after hearing there is no end game coming i felt sad .YES people will still play the game and it is the best gacha game they will play for the story for exploration and stuff but i cared about combat above and all i can complete a quest once and just move on there can be only a few quest to complete then after what as being a 17 years old i realised I'm not gonna achieve in wasting my time anymore if I cant have fun in longtime so i decided to delete the game and move on if they release a good potential end game I'll definitely play the game again but not now

  2. I think that Mtash playing Genshin Impact is not healthy for him anymore. I myself quit genshin impact as soon as I saw there wasn't an endgame content, because I wanted so bad something other than the abyss to test my teams in something that would be a real challenge, since that's not the case I just quit the game. But Mtash can quit too, the problem comes after, he built an entirer community just based on Genshin Impact, taking it out will mean basically starting from 0 or having almost nothing, because I think the majority of people watch his content because of Genshin. He wants to quit but if he quits he'll have a harder time than if he doesn't quit. That's how I persive his situation. (Sorry if my english is not good) Have a wonderful day.

  3. Jfc quit the game and YouTube already and get a real job. Genshin impact doesn’t revolve around you. Just because you want something to happen doesn’t mean an entire company has to change their plans for you. You’re in the minority. It’s pathetic. You used to make real content and now it’s one video after another of sheer desperation to get views. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

  4. genshin is that one game that i want to quit but i cant cuz of all the time and effort i put into the game and im f2p so i cant imagine how people who spent tons of money would feel

  5. I lost my 5050 to tignari when rolling for cyno, and honestly I WAY underestimated him, it’s the mort fun I’ve had playing a character since itto, and when I get to use kazuha and diluc on my girlfriends account lol. Glad I didn’t have to roll on his banner to get this lil doggo boi, he’s a blast and dam strong!

  6. won't lie, they bribed me too. i posted on hoyolab site that if i don't get ayaka i will quit.
    i had just got eula and pity was 2 ig and when ayaka's banner came out, i wished and got her on first 10 pull with mona after her in the same roll, so basically i was guaranteed again. And if that wasn't enough, in the next banner, i got freaking 3 yoimiyas (c2) in next 30 wishes after ayaka

  7. I don't get it.
    When I read that GameSpot article, all it says is that Hoyo doesn't want to make a second Spiral Abyss (or rather, something that fulfills the same job).
    Seems that a lot of other people take that to mean that they don't want to make new end-game combat period. Why are so many people taking Hoyo's answer to such an extreme?

    Excellent Erin impression, btw!


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