Genshin Impact Co-Op but it’s at 5AM… Co-op is sometimes quite an interesting experience, so I went on in the early hours of the morning. Or late hours of the night depending on how you look at it. I can happily say that I was not disappointed. It was quite funny/entertaining.
This time around, wanted to try to get all 4 players to go as Noelle to fight a boss together… It didn’t start well, but in the end, I got more than I even asked for. I also just tried to help low-AR players as well.
I played Co-Op with some lower-leveled players, as well as some who were from completely different countries.
If you enjoyed this, make sure to check out the other two Co-Op videos on the channel! The had some amazingly funny moments in them.
#Genshin #Coop #GenshinImpact
I feel the pain of that Noelle's connection, I have the same problem from being in Asia
Meanwhile I was always using Noelle to beat Geo Hypostasis.
She was my only claymore unit for a long long time and this fight seems to be designed for either claymore or a bow.
One downside is you can't use her Burst, because it deals Geo damage.
Noelle's bizarre adventure
Okay but that one hu tao was named hanako and I thought that was quite fitting considering that hu Tao kinda looks like hanako!!
4:04 He really went there- remember the capitalization?
Holyy crap THATS ME
It was in my world wasnt it
this guy is the reason I will never co -op.
Hey hey heyyyyyyyy, anyone gott any builds for Yanfei? I got her some time ago on accident and don't know how to build her or anyone in general
Oh noelle takes no L’s
awesome barbara doing 15k there
No one:
My urge to build my Noelle at 1:17 am
your like klee and mihoyo is like jean
I did this yesterday except instead of using noelle we all used yanfei’s lmao
Well I always fight geo cube with Noele.
Theory for the first one: He thinks he dosen't need to pick up the drops for the daily bp thing (unless hes below bp level)
As a noelle main this somehow made me happy.
He just said I hope he doesn't notice if I take them well it doesn't matter it gives it to your own screen and they already collected
They already collected the ores. Those are duplicates for you to take.
Now I’m wondering why is the name isn’t “The adventure of 4 Noelle in 5am”
All ores drop separately like boss and mob drops
Except for cor lapis for some reason
U share loot in co-op so u can pick them up and they can to
The internet speed must have been very bad.
With the mining everyone who is there gets their own
nah cause noelle is my main
the ore and enemy drops are not universal. local specialties are the same for everyone in one world
For ascension materials like Noctilucus jade, once the host collects it, you can collect yours afterwards. If you collect first though, the host wont be able to collect theirs. (I might be wrong, but this is what I observe happens when I coop with my sis)
I think they picked it up but it lets you pick it up too
wait, xade can you do amber dps? (might take a while)
You know that you both get loot from ores? Its not showing you that she picks it up because those you see is yours😐
When you take ores in co-op they are still there for the other player so everyone can take the ores
As a bad connection player after I finish mining I need to wait like 4 minutes for the items to drop so I probably go min other things I think that person is doing the same thing?
Ah yes youtube sending me the notification 5 days later- :’)
I like how he has no idea that the person probably already picked up the ore but on his screen they didn’t
Pretty sure that both players can collect ores and other drops on coop.
Um someone tell this guy that mining drops are paralleled for every char close by except for some specialities like cor lapis. o.O
They dont collect the ores on your screen but on theirs they do, think YT think
I'm guessing john is from here in the Philippines.. Lol
Why does everyone have a bad connection at 5am? well I would assume at least some of them are AS and EU players on NA alts
That was super amazing!! Today, I co-oped with two albedos and I was laughing the whole time cause of that story-quest lol. I played co-oped all day today, and everyone was so nice 😊
I did this before with some higher AR players that came in my world! It was fun, Noelle Domination!!
15k charged attack barbara? Wow
4:59 hutao is just peak comedy here T.T
8:46 ok
Omg yes! You guys used Lisa as a Lisa main I’m proud 🤤
5:18 lmao I tried pulling for Elua but got Jean instead
Nobody's gonna talk about that cool beat-boxing flex? Ok…
Can we talk about this person putting hu Tao over noelle