Genshin Impact Claymore vs Wuthering Waves Claymore! Gameplay Comparison

Wuthering Waves Claymore vs Genshin Impact Claymore! Gameplay Comparison
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18 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Claymore vs Wuthering Waves Claymore! Gameplay Comparison”

  1. I like that Wuwa has more personality, especially they all have unique charged attacks animation. No two characters plays the same. Exceptions being the gunner having same aim-shot and air-strike

    Whereas genshin, some attacks animations are tied to their character model. For example all "teen" claymore user will spin while holding charge attack. Although few are the exceptions. Few.

  2. I personally would prefer if all greatsword users were slower (like Taoqi) because there's no big difference between 1-handed sword characters and 2-handed sword characters (besides Taoqi like I said)

  3. The first guy is not even using claymore, is he? He stabs and uses a spear, its also too fast to actually be considered claymore, at this point its just a longer sword, and it should be called that, otherwise "claymore" serves no actual gameplay purpose.

    The second girl is actually using claymore, but imo, theres just something lacking in the overall presentation compared to genshin. You can feel the weight of the weapon in genshin, characters actually get affected by it, they get pulled by the weight of the weapon as they swing it. The actual attack string is also far more creative in genshin rather that swing horizontal x4, swing vertical. But could be just 4* vs 5* comparison, who knows.

  4. left, right looks like i need to sweat to make it work (also rights combat hurts my eyes since everything is happing all at once unlike genshin which is more relaxing a charming)
    Edit: Dang I didn't know an opinion started the second archon war 😒


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