Genshin Impact censorship just got WORSE

um… wow just wow

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28 thoughts on “Genshin Impact censorship just got WORSE”

  1. update!( sorry for upin Wanneko )
    it looks like the Eula image is fake/edited but sadly the Ningguang censorship is still real so still worried if it will eventually happen to Eula too
    i made a quick 1 minute update segment here if you like to take a look at the evidence and stuff

  2. well, its the same in every country. nothing good comes out when gov dips in how a company should run their business 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️
    games will revert back to being 2D for safety worst go back to being pixels 😅

  3. Next up on the censor list, Gorou, Baizhu, and Bennetts revealing belly button cause it's "too feminine"…

    Disclaimer: I, too, don't like their design but that doesn't stop me from using them. Also just a joke as censorship may not actually happen. It's a meme at this point…"If they censor this, they might as well censor everything else"

  4. Lmao this is so dumb no matter what angle you look at it from. I mean the peeps in China are already limited to a few hours of gaming per week, why bother censoring when they aren’t going to be the main audience of the game in the future. Censoring for the rest of the world??

  5. Mihoyo …. these characters are supposed to be modelled after HUMANS right?

    Humans have curves and …. they even have skeletons … don't come up here with this CCP bullshit.

  6. I think CCP the most pervert here. Never ever in my life thought about shoulder blade are most concern in my brain and eyes, now i can't unsee it

  7. CCP shitting and cumming their pants when they see video game character slightly portraying part of their body while ignoring the blatant issues in their of freedom of speech and oppression of people lmao


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