Genshin Impact Captures The Magic Of Early Disney

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31 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Captures The Magic Of Early Disney”

  1. It's an ad for a predatory and addictive piece of mal/spyware produced by Occupied West Taiwan disguised as a mobile phone casino that takes real money and pays out in jpgs.
    Granted that they're good looking jpgs, but 4 seconds of internet search will find you billions of images and animations of them. Maybe trillions if you turn off the safety settings.

  2. It's sad that free to play gatcha games (Genshin, Honkai, Girls' Frontline) have more interesting and realistically written characters with diverse personalities, backgrounds and intricate lore than Western games that start at $60.

  3. I'll admit it – this commercial is charming and eye-catching, and makes me want to play the game it's selling. I'd sit in the street and watch this for an hour. It's sad that a commercial gets what modern entertainment has forgotten – how to be entertaining and sell a product (and when you are making movies, the product you are trying to sell are sales of the movie in it's various forms).

  4. I think perhaps this is why the Oppenheimer and Barbie movie marketing is so successful. No insults, no resentment towards the fans, no anger. Just advertising good products because they are good.

  5. Just remember guys, it was with help from the rich wealthy Jewish Elite, they are the majority of influence here. I mean there's other bloods too, there's even an old Newfoundlander head which surprises the hell out of me, but the cabinet itself is mostly Jewish… I'm so sorry this is the future guys… Hurts me the most because I'm a Newfoundlander and our shit got destroyed in ww2.

  6. Seeing that concept vs in-game shot reminds me of all the times fans defend a game's hairstyles saying that pretty hair is too hard for developers or would take crazy hardware, neglecting the mods we've had in Bethesda games since Morrowind that add beautiful hair. Sure it might clip if they're not implementing hardware intensive dangling meshes with physics or such, but does it matter? Most people would just rather have pretty assets for characters meant to be pretty, and it's not like the devs can't sprint for those dangling meshes either. That tech's been around ages now, and hardware easily handles a little physics these days. Somehow, modders always manage to make pretty characters in games that can be modded. Somehow, there's indie devs and foreign devs are managing to make pretty characters. AAA is due for an upheaval. It's happening, but ESG sure is slowing it down.

  7. "If you want porn, go watch porn."

    That is a common retort you hear from people when you criticise the female protagonists for being fat and ugly (never the males, the males must always be 11/10s, go figure).

    The irony? These are the exact same people who shoehorn sex into their movies/shows/books/comics/video games the most. There HAS to be romancing between the characters. There HAS to be sex scenes. There HAS to be nudity. Hell, they even have customizable genitals in these new games!

    So the guy who wants to play as an attractive, athletic woman, is a filthy degenerate incel who fetishizes and objectifies women and needs to get his satisfaction by looking at a woman's ass while playing a game, but the woman who wants to quite literally choose how thick, long and veiny the penis of her male character is and fuck every NPC in the game, including the bear (yes, yes the bear), is a progressive, healthy minded individual who unlike the neckbeard incel, is not driven by her perverted sexual desires.

    Good is evil, black is white, yes means no, truth is lies, everything's inverted and if you question it, you are the crazy one.

  8. The west is losing what they build for generations because they abandon discipline and they choose to twist the meaning of freedom.

    Not to mention this "new" generation of devs has absolutely no creativity because everything was handed to them in a silver/gold plate.

    Just saying, they are spoiled so bad that sins to them is just normality and it needs no correctness.

    Just look at what is happening with the movies now, look at what they are trying to do to the movie "Sound of Freedom" secretly.

    How do multiple theaters have bad air-conditioning problems only on the rooms that are showing this movie?

    These people are doing everything they can too hide the truth that they are all broken by all the spoiledness and "freedom" (that they themselves twisted) that was given to them as they grew up.

    These people are a huge mess.

  9. I dislike Genshin Impact because it's a Gacha game, I hate that kind of game to the core.

    But even I gotta agree. That ad is pretty nice. It's positive, it's literally saying "hey, look at this nice looking character. play our game to find more!" I never seen a kind of ad as that, that's pretty artistic. Hell. I'd bet if you put this ad in any british city, someone would campaign to get it banned.

    So sad.

  10. Did you see the design of the new Honkai Star Rail weekly boss though. The Chinese company is so unapologetically free, meanwhile American companies are shackled. It's all backwards, godammit…

  11. I disagree wholeheartedly that outrage advertising is meant to sell products. It's meant to force ideas at the expense of products.

    "How will this help us sell burgers"

    The reason you see so much "outrage " isn't because it works to sell products, but because it works to force ideas and compliance to those ideas amongst both the populace in general and those making the products being knowingly sabatoged by shitty marketting. It's effectively a shaming ritual meant to demoralize

    "Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."

    ~Theodore Dalrymple

  12. I quit Genshin over a year ago even though I still enjoyed it at the time. But I remember before Hu Tao came out, people were super anxious about her, and I was like 'eh, she looks lame, I'll pass'. But then her story quest made me really like her, and somehow that made me like how she looked too lol. It's weird how the personality of a fictional character can somehow manipulate their appearance too.

    That said, in HSR, I'm currently saving and saving and saving… For Fu Xuan. must get =P

  13. Whenever I feel insulted by a corporation,I instantly blacklost it! If it does not cater to may prefferences and respects my tastes I make sure it gets no money from me, and if it dares to preach, accuse, insult or attack me is game over!

  14. I don't care for Genshin Impact but this almost makes me wanna give Genshin Impact a try. Seeing something that is just marketed as pure fun instead of "the message" is enough to make me see it in a positive light at this point.

  15. I'd say that Vee is half right. It is about a kind of dogma for developers, but not about creating a controversy. It's about "having different body types" and being "realistic." These are the buzzwords you hear a lot in the industry. For example, they would argue that making the female Necromancer in Diablo 4 less attractive is "being more true to the character" because she should be skeletal and deathly looking. (Also, to be fair, the male Necromancer in Diablo 3 had a similar body type so they would also say they are keeping a consistent art style).

    To some extent, I agree. A glamour model in Diablo 4 wouldn't fit the theme very well. However, they could have made the characters more attractive and still kept the spirit of the thing if they had wanted to. They could have gone more "sexy Goth girl" and less "skeletal zombie" in their design and it still would have worked, so I don't accept that kind of logic as an excuse. It was a reasonable design choice if you assume that your customers have no preference, but not a requirement to make a good character that fits the game.


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