39 thoughts on “Genshin Impact All Inazuma Characters Sheathing Their Swords Except…”
Chiori trained herself instead of using traditional inazuman fighting style, and kirara most likely copied from kirara or is just an amateur trying her best, which is why she ditches the sword to use her claws
Okay everybody quiet I got this: Kirara doesn’t do this because she uses her sword for defense and not actually to attack and Chiori is because she taught herself to fight and wasn’t taught by Inazuma standard
I think it is because Chiori never learn shogun style before leaving Inazuma and train herself with the way suit her more & useful for her (cutting cloth)
Then Kirara just use her yokai ability and i think It's more comfortable for her. Just like she choose to keep her cat feet and not 100% transforms to human form.
Goes to show while the others are taught through a swordmaster which all the sword is derived from the Shogun's sword style, Kirara and Chiori are mainly self taught
LORE TIME All inazuma characters learn their sword art from the shogun’s style thing (sorry I’m terrible with words) but kirara is a youkai (and she barely actually uses a sword tbh) and if I’m not mistaken Chiori is self taught
Kirara is a nekomata she only uses her sword in 1 attacks and throws it away and uses her claws. Chiori was self taught and thought of using two swords in battle
Chiori trained herself instead of using traditional inazuman fighting style, and kirara most likely copied from kirara or is just an amateur trying her best, which is why she ditches the sword to use her claws
Okay everybody quiet I got this:
Kirara doesn’t do this because she uses her sword for defense and not actually to attack and Chiori is because she taught herself to fight and wasn’t taught by Inazuma standard
Chiori is diffrent because she is self taught
Because they are from fontain
Because even tho they’re from inazuma they’re from fontaine….
Kazuha tho 😭👍🏻
Yoimiya lo hace con su arco
Тиори из Инадзумы?…
My beloved Chiori is too Indy to do that
Lets all be 5 stars but not tell kuki and kirara!!
the way kirara moves is so cute 😭😭
Chiori: Nitoryu nigiri..
Yeah bc Kirara is a Yokai that has been living in human society for a short time, she hasn't learn the traditional way.
bro kirara and chiori not from inazuma…
1. Chiori self taught herself
2. Kiara probably didn't learn the inazuma sword techniques.
Chiori from inazuma.???
simple logic:- kirara and chiori were never taught inazuma sword art style
chiori is from fontaine
I think it is because Chiori never learn shogun style before leaving Inazuma and train herself with the way suit her more & useful for her (cutting cloth)
Then Kirara just use her yokai ability and i think It's more comfortable for her. Just like she choose to keep her cat feet and not 100% transforms to human form.
Chioris from contain is she not?
Are we not gonna talk abt the fact that kirsra and chiori are not from inazuma?
Kirara is a cat hence her attacks are also scratches so that is why she doesn’t sheathe her sword.
How are you supposed to sheath your claws exactly?
They tecnicaly grow in Fontaine
Goes to show while the others are taught through a swordmaster which all the sword is derived from the Shogun's sword style, Kirara and Chiori are mainly self taught
Itto */throws the claymore everywhere
All inazuma characters learn their sword art from the shogun’s style thing (sorry I’m terrible with words) but kirara is a youkai (and she barely actually uses a sword tbh) and if I’m not mistaken Chiori is self taught
I think it’s cause everyone else has a proper sword style while the other two don’t. Either that or it has something to do with the Shogun
it’s bc they aren’t trained
Kirara fights with her feline instincts
Chiori taught herself
Kirara is a nekomata she only uses her sword in 1 attacks and throws it away and uses her claws. Chiori was self taught and thought of using two swords in battle
Chiori not inazuma character,she fonteine girl
A chiori tem o proprio modo de usar a espada e a kirara nao liga
Kirara uses her claws and chiori uses 2 swords + immigrated to Fontaine
Chiori spent most of her life outside fontaine and isnt her sword supposed to be big scizzors?
And kirara is a kitty
Well its becuase Chiori self taught herself how to wield a sword and well Kirara.. shes just claws
Yoimiya does the same with her boy 😂
kirara just chased away the sword and use her scratch