Genshin Impact: 6 Things You Missed in "We Will Be Reunited" Archon Quest

Here are some hidden details and fun things you might have missed during the Archon Quest We Will Be Reunited. Enjoy 😀

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📌 Timestamps
0:00 Field Tiller’s, Ruin Guard’s Looking Direction
0:38 Kaeya’s Secret
1:33 Dianseif Carrying the Eye
1:58 The person was alive?
2:13 Upseide-down Statue of the Seven
2:28 Aether’s Sword

#GenshinImpact #Lore


29 thoughts on “Genshin Impact: 6 Things You Missed in "We Will Be Reunited" Archon Quest”

  1. Here's a bonus one: We completely forget reporting back to Ministry of Civil Affairs and Adventurer's Guild about our investigation of Treasure Hoarder activity. That is why we start the quest in the first place.
    Thanks for Watching! I hope this video made you think a bit more about the small details in this quest. Please subscribe for more similar videos 🙂

  2. Another thing: The lost twin-s clothes shines bright white where the Traveller's clothes shines based on its active element, suggesting lost twin using a currently unknown power. And considering Dainsleif is pretty much the same but whit darkish-blue, we can assume that there will be another two elements added later on, as how they did whit Honkai.

  3. I got a question tho. When you get the daily comission with Ela Musk and you have to speak with the three hilichurls, isn't one of the lines "Mi muhe ye"? I know for certain that it's something positive.

  4. What about sneznaya then? I have a theory they’re fighting both celestia and the abyss too, and that’s why dragon spine looks the way it does, why the dragon destroyed by the frost nail and everything. This would maybe mean the fatui will end up being our allies in the future.

  5. Oh god, i just realised that Kaeya might be threatening Venti himself, hence him going after his 'tutoring' for a weird ass reason. Even asking for an assignment to submit.

    Maybe he has already figured out Venti was Barbatos, and is trying to get Venti to admit that… And venti prolly got that message, seeing as he had to change the message after reading it out loud

  6. i feel like the sword that we as travellers once had as aether/lumine is the first and only 6 star plus we also had wings so that means in the end of the game we can now fly yay in my theory at least

  7. The unknown goddess the twins came across might’ve been the one IN CHARGE of destroying Khaenri’ah and (maybe)saw the siblings trying to get out(the background does look like our opening screen which may just be celestia :D)
    Our sword probs went away and we can’t summon it cuz we don’t got full powerrrrr(we only using archon elemental powers rn not the original)
    Also ppl need to know that the archons are archons, not ALL of them(saying this cuz I only know about Zhongli:adeptis and Venti:elemantal being apparently) were gods before so like they might not have been the ones responsible(doesn’t mean they weren’t responsible either, just hoping they weren’t)

  8. If that theory with Kaeya is true. That must mean Kaeya is around the same age range as Dainsleif or a little younger or a descendant of somebody who survived the massacre. But Dainsleif was cursed to never age and branded as a "sinner".

    But Khaenri'ah was destroyed 500 years ago and descendants must be hard to come by, I do want to know more. I want to know more about Kaeya's connection with Khaenri'ah and if the story might have betray us or something.

  9. Maybe the sword is the physical manifestation of the twin's abilities of being able to use all elements. They use/combine all the elements and it turns into that sword.


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