Genshin Impact 5.3 – Capitano Sacrifices Himself to Save Mavuika Scene
#GenshinImpact #mavuika #natlan
Gameplay Raw Footage edited in a transformative manner for information purposes. All Gameplay played, recorded and edited by me
About Meloo:
Meloo is a channel that produces Guides, Creative Edits, High Quality Lore Videos, Comparisons & Mods for new video game releases. In my videos I draw parallels, use Juxtapositions and other editing techniques to deliver my Gameplay in a transformative manner from the original narrative rather than full let’s plays. I usually focus on games for a more mature audience. All Gameplay is my own and is recorded and edited by me.
Ty Bolvar for saving Tirion from such a terrible fate
….oh wait wrong game
Chris does an amazing job voicing Capitano🫡
Well fought captain, u r one of the best chars in the game
Seems like he won't be playable character but as an interactable npc. His soul is gone to the NK and the LotN has a new body to play around with
3:36 is he the same guy we see him in chasm cutscene with dainslef?
Hoyo actually sacrificed millions in this one decision. I guess I now know how the signora mains feel…
I gave a salute to this man. He carried the souls of his fallen brothers and arms and gave them and himself peace.
whoever made the idea to give Capitano a frost sword and a being that is technically undead and thought to give this man a frozen throne,
you sir deserve a raise
Tell them only that The Captain is dead. And that Thrain died with him
Yo people… He is not dead. He fucking blackmailed dead AND WORKED. And NO ONE can do shit about it. HE IS SO FUCKING COOL.
I can hear abridged Tenshinhan yelling: you know what? FUCK POWER LEVELS, FUCK CELESTIA. FUCK LIFE. FUCK DEATH. FUCK THE ABBYS. FUCK REALITY…. FUCK EVERYONE… But more importantly FUCK YOU ruler 😂
Arthas of the Frozen Throne 2.0
Mavuika: My journey end here today
Capitano :But You plan is not as good as mine
This reminds me of Arthas ascending the Ice Throne
This… This is what real men strive for during the days of their death. A fulfilling end to a journey. A death where we can finally say "I can rest now". And the fact his death is a great mockery to the heavenly principles to test their own rules as his own sense of vengeance; his sacrifice is the ultimate death AND the ultimate stalemate in favor for humanity that will NEVER END.
Capitano is a role model
this was like a divorce. capimavu will thrive
Capitano: About to see another archon sacrifice her live.
Also Capitano: Hell Naw.
This gave me some World of warcraft chills
See you in 6.x ver my captain❤
Bro really wanted to die,he challenged a God and used it's rules to his favor.
Ayo in the harbinger trailer ending all the harbingers in one side are becoming playable and the others arent
mf aura farmed so hard he died
So 500 years without sleep and with constant voices which also partly scream and wail constantly. That is one hell of a job to keep your sanity for that long.
Close enough; welcome back Bolvar.
FOR THE CAPTAIN !!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
this shit was so ass
The only thing I don’t get is why Ronova had to make a choice. Why couldn’t she just reject both options and kill mauvika?
Part of me thinks she was trying to help. She is the same one who allowed xbalanque to go against the original rules and make his own