Genshin Impact 5.0 Natlan – Pyro Archon Mavuika vs Capitano
#GenshinImpact #mavuika #natlan
Gameplay Raw Footage edited in a transformative manner for information purposes. All Gameplay played, recorded and edited by me
About Meloo:
Meloo is a channel that produces Guides, Creative Edits, High Quality Lore Videos, Comparisons & Mods for new video game releases. In my videos I draw parallels, use Juxtapositions and other editing techniques to deliver my Gameplay in a transformative manner from the original narrative rather than full let’s plays. I usually focus on games for a more mature audience. All Gameplay is my own and is recorded and edited by me.
NO. 2 Fatui harbinger Capitano…So (Jester is NO.1 Fatui harbinger🙂↕️) Nice
mavuika just dropped a cruel sun on him😭
They both were holding back their true capability's even mavuika said that she felt some unusual presence from capitano when they clashed their fists .It only means they both can much more than this cutscene showed
It’s so refreshing to see an Archon actually fighting for once.
Capitano will get his revenge eventually
I honestly expected more for Il Capitano…
they be figthing like dbz characters
Mauvika is not an archon (shes an archon given title by the people) but she don’t have godhood Capitano wouldn’t stand a chance against Raiden or Zhongli, she’s a human with immense power the real archon is the primal fire
It's like the fight scene in Dragonball Z
Where is traveler
This cutscene better than the entire Withered Wack game 🤣
If this is all Capitano can do then clearly Fatui Harbingers are a bunch of weaklings, bro needs to slice an island in half in order tobe equal to Archons and here these 2 fight couldnt even level a simple stone arena (Mavuika is a human Archon so I can understand the underpower level)
Cool cutscene nonetheless tho
Capitano will low diff Mavuika 💅
dude almost got his cheeks clapped . I can see the Fatui agenda falling
I Somehow Get the Feeling, Both of them Didn't Give their all, It wasn't even Close. The last Cutscene also Hinted Ororon Made an Interference bit where idk. Genshin Fight Cutscenes can Improve Even more!! Getting Excited for the Next Chapter Already
At 1:34 this dude knee an archon, straight up
Im really think that Capitaino able to have a battle with Morax.
Uff they just had to make him drop the 1st leg vs a female archon huh ? Can't piss off the i.n.c.e.l community after all. Atleast he got up ready to fight again before he was whisked away so there's that.
Putting Diluc in this scene is more cooler. Archon is weak.
her fighting style is kinda giving me a death flag, I remember Himeko from her… please, don't die!
Archon of War for a reason
It's clear now that capitano couldn't beat raiden, prime morax & neuvillette. It's a hard fact for capitano fanboys and fangirls
My standard for strong is at least the one who can change a map landscape, like zhongli create chasm, ei slashed oroboshi, venti cut a mountain… and from this fight, I can't see how these two, one is an god of war archon, the other one is a strongest human/fatui harbinger can't even destroy a museum😂😂😂😂… even capitano KNEEL after got hit by fraction power of mavuika, "kneel" is unapropriated for the "strongest" title😂😂😂
Well she fight npc 😂😂😂😂
People becoming Goku and Saitama fans in the comment section 🤣
When was the last time we saw 2 characters just straight up flying lmao
Capitano 😍
I know its not true but
Arle >>>>
As i said before
Capitano is an overrated fodder
Naah They actually change this scene a bit , in the previous leak dude absolutely oblitereted… they give him dignity by showing capitano actually give mavuika a hard time (by breathing heavily after their battle) while in the beta version mavuika actually standing smiling looking back at capitano like it was an exercise 😂…
Damm if the upper fatui can match an archon, that would mean tsaritsa power is on dragons level like neuvillette, if not greater 🔥
Lol. If he faces Raiden Shogun then it would be all over for Capitano lol.
Mavueka is just weak lol
god thx for stop me playing this shit
Some people really underestimate the Archon powers, Shes not like Nahida where its all about "Knowledge", Nahida also herself said that she was no match to Dottore.
But when it comes to the God of war, ofc shes going to be strong, not to mention she also lost her power and got wounded.
So being the 1st of Fatui doesnt mean you can just go and beat any god you see lol
Capitano lost the fight but won the drip
is this patch out already?
r/powerscaling gotta be seething at this loss rn
oh so we have natlan now. cool.
i'll keep sleeping on the game til all regions come out
With just a borrowed weapon, no need for her signature to fight the 1st harbinger,,🤣🤣,,
Bro definitely lost a bunch of aura after this fight
"Nah I'd win"
– Fraudtano
why do i have a feeling that the captain is the cryo dragon…
1. The toxic side of Genshin has already created a war between Capitano and Mavuika. And to be honest, Hoyoverse has successfully made Capitano seems weaker than Alercchino.
2. Who cares if Capitano or Mavuika wins or not. We should be grateful that we didn’t have another red hair woman die this time AND Capitano is a righteous man. He did not use dirty tricks to get the gnosis.
3. Let’s be honest. Ranking as the strongest Fatui member, kicking an archon and punching them like that was pretty cool and admirable. The cutscenes did it all.
4. Some people are mad that Capitano wasn’t as strong as they thought. They called it a fraud. Yes it is, kinda, but it is no surprises because Hoyo made Ningguang a 4* when Nilou is a 5*, they almost nerfed Neuvilette when Mulani banner was near. I think those are sadder than this epic scene.
My eye is hurt jump jump ! Her Gnosis Archon in Her Heart just kill Her and Gnosis is come out ! That Why her hair full Fire Color ! You have 2 Choose !
First Aether Use cannon help her out !
Second Rank 1 use power get out Gnosis like Venti ! She is lose her power like Venti !
Third when you Won Champion Pet Catch Ball She Use her Hand get out Gnosis give to you but Rank 1 get your Gnosis!
Fouth There is a player character who will side with Rank 1 called the traitor spy!
Someone plss edit thes with the dragon ball super intro
i swear this is like chapter 235 of jjk then next time they fight capitano might low diff her and the people saying Mavuika won will be in shambles
She isn’t gonna die people are just scared from Hi3rd