Genshin Impact 3.3 Archon Quest Part 3 – Scaramouche Return & Ending

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32 thoughts on “Genshin Impact 3.3 Archon Quest Part 3 – Scaramouche Return & Ending”

  1. This quest was.. OK, I guess. I just don't like how Scara technically got away scot-free, he won't have to answer to Fatui for betraying them or to Sumeru for almost killing their Archon (well, this one is thanks to Nahida being merciful), no one will also remember that he's responsible for delusions being spread among resistance members, resulting in serious health problems/death and he can just… Walk away?🤨 I liked Scara more before I did this quest :/ Also this reminds me of his mother, who also suffered no consequences for tyrany

    And quest itself is very short, even for interlude

  2. I'm a little confused about something, so can anyone explain this to me?

    From what I can understand, you can't erase yourself by yourself, however there is a loophole.

    For the greater lord, Nahida is basically a clone or whatever of the Greater Lord, and served as a loophole for the greater lord to erase herself from everyone and everything.

    Now we have a world without the greater lord, and with Nahida taking her place.

    With the case of the Wanderer however is where I'm confused.

    The Wanderer did the same thing, yet he didn't have anything like that, and on top of that, we ended up with a reborn version of him.

    For the greater lord I can understand, cause she had Nahida, but the Wanderer didn't.

    So how did he end up this way? And why and how is this possible?

    If any one can explain, I would love to know.

  3. So he erased many memories that means…the fatui didnt take him in…so he was not the sixth harbinger and that means there has to be another sixth habinger or did i uderstand that wrong?

  4. mouche does not get a free pass from me, it doesnt matter the reason he did all the shit he did, he still did it anyway. even though he wanted people to remeber shit hes done, hes not getting punishiment for doing so. he got way easy not fair

  5. I'm kinda confused by this, but is scaramouche only as strong as a human now? Because now in his second life, dottore never tampered with him and he also never unsealed his powers right? But then again, he seemed incredibly strong in his trailer…also, I wonder wether the shouki no kami in his dream was as strong as the real one


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